Thursday, May 26, 2016

Basic Guide for Dog Obedience Training

For a happy and well-behaved furry companion, starting dog training at the earliest is most effective. As the proverb goes it's difficult to teach old dog new tricks, better start to train your pooch in his puppy stage. If you feel you can carry on with your pup in teaching him the basic tricks and commands, then wait for none. In case training is not your cup of tea, dog professional trainer can help you.

As your dog's personal trainer, here are the training tips that can guide you to help your pooch become your great follower.

Consistency Plays a Big Role

Allowing your dog's unacceptable behavior is what most pet owners are most likely to switch on. Take no excuses for any of your pooch's wrong activity. Vagary is a false thing as your dog needs time to follow the suite. But, when you want that your dog should not bark at guests or should not jump on the couch, you need to say “NO” and divert him by throwing a ball or a toy. Being lenient at times can really confuse your furry pal without knowing the right thing to follow. So BE CONSISTENT to direct your pooch to follow your command.

Cut it Short

Frequent sessions of dog training has to be carried out throughout the day and to make it easy going for your dog never prolong the session beyond a point. Taking it more than 15 minutes can blow off your dog making him more frustrated. If you are too desirous, then forget to change your dog's behavior as they will go back to starting point as if they never got training.

A Training Collar Works

A good quality training collars works wonder and it gives you full control of your dog. There are numerous dog training collars available in the market. Choose the one which will fit whole of your dog's heads and allows flexi points for the user to turn the head of the dog without choking pet's neck.

Pre-Meal Training Session

Studies show that food is a driving force for most of the animals to change their behavior. Therefore, try to schedule the training session before your pet's mealtime. This can help create positive response as the pooch's mind will start connecting discipline with rewards. And, it really turns the leaf.

Have Unwavering Patience

Never think it is just easy to make your dog follow you in just one or two go. So, never feel frustrated or lose your patience when you find that your dog is little stubborn or a bit slow learner. Keep your nerves cool as your pooch requires time, and for sometime break off from the schedule.

Treats Work Best

Treats, rubbing the belly, cuddling or patting sends him the message that he is appreciated for following the command and doing the things in the right way. And, this inspires him to go one step a edge to satisfy you and make you happier. So, if he sees positive reaction from you, he will repeat the behavior.

Though these seems simple obedience training tips, it takes much of your pet parenting skill to bring your pooch on the correct path. With patience and consistency, you can surely inculcate discipline in your furry companion.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Some Dietary Supplements that Enhances Energy and Keep your Doggie Healthy: Perfect Additives that Enrich Life of your Pooch

Every pet owner wishes the best for his pet and this includes the diet and supplements. There are many pet owners who take the supplements and even give it to their pets. They feel that the supplements will do a wonder for them too. Yes, in some cases your pet may need additional supplements if they are not getting proper diet. The good news is that if you are providing your dog with high quality food, they should get all supplements needed to live a healthy life.

Here are some of the tips to feed your pooch a variety of healthy food to increase his energy and make his coat shinier:

Steamed and Raw Veggies For Your Senior Dog:

Feed your doggie with raw and steamed veggies especially in his golden years. Chop finely or grate the veggies and mix it with dog's dry food. Give the food to canine with high antioxidants and high fiber. Sweet potatoes are full with high antioxidants that helps in curing, preventing and even fighting from the affects of aging. If your pooch has got diarrhoea then pumpkin is good for him.

Probiotics For Dogs:

Probiotics are living micro-organisms. It is good for the pet who has got gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea or constipation. Probiotics are often sold as supplements. They work by restoring the proper balance of intestinal bugs by introducing healthy bacteria into the dog's system. Don't use them until and unless directed by the vet.

Omega 3 For Itchy And Allergy Pup:

If your dog has red itchy and allergic skin most probably the vet will prescribe an omega 3 with fatty acid supplements for your pooch with some other medication. It is good for optimal dermatological health. It is used for treating your pet's skin conditions, allergy dermatitis, arthritis, kidney disease etc. Omega 3 also helps to control your pet's inflammation, eases arthritis pain, and benefits the kidneys and heart. It assists in fighting infections, promoting healthy skin and shining coat of your pooch. Don't include excess amount of fatty acids in the food as it may cause diarrhoea. Always consult your vet before giving any supplement to the pet.

Omega 6 For Fido's Healthy And Shiny Coat:

Omega 6 fatty acids are required for reproduction, immune function, growth and skin health of your pooch. It contains fat and even contributes to calories in your dog's diet. Mix one teaspoon of vegetable oils such as sunflower or safflower seed in your dog's food if he is a puppy. For larger breeds you need to add tablespoon of oil for best results. Before giving this speak to your vet.

Keep in mind there are many types of branded supplements which you can buy over the counter. These supplements are not monitored, studied or controlled by officials. Don't just go for any of the supplement for your dog without consulting your vet. Be sure that before adding the human food to your dog's diet talk to your vet which ingredients would be good for him. Don't give supplements which are not necessary to your pooch as it may lead him to problems.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Which Method is Best for My Dog-Topical or Oral Flea Treatment?

Taking care of your pooch against harmful ticks, fleas and different parasites is an imperative part of pet ownership. Even though most owners might give their canines each and every month preventative pet medications to avoid these parasites, many of them do not know which prominent brands work or which method is best for the pet. Here are some of the products which can help you tell the differences among the various product types.

  • Frontline Plus:
This is a well-liked choice for dogs as it is a simple to-use, one-spot application. Frontline has also kept on-being a standout amongst the most vet-prescribed fleas and tick preventive pet medications throughout the years. This topical application starts to kill every single existing flea within 24 hours of applying it while it additionally wards off biting ticks and chewing lice. Frontline can be applied to any pooch or feline beyond the age of 8 weeks and has been found to be secure even with young children around, as long as they don’t touch the pooch until the product has been entirely dried.
If you have small children at your home, you might need to keep them far from the pooch after you apply the solution by keeping the canine gated off from them utilizing a freestanding pet gate. Make a point to supply the dog with its pet items including his Bed and fresh water by the time he is seperated.
  • Comfortis:
This is another form of flea and tick protective tablets, yet this option gives protection through a month to month chewable tablet. This variant might be better for people with children or for the pooch that is prone to licking a lot. Comfortis also varies from Frontline as it kills fleas within 30 minutes of giving the canine the tablet. A few vets have found that the item is exceptionally viable at keeping fleas under control.
Many owners prefer to give the best product to protect the dog. The above products may help your dog from fleas and ticks. However, be aware that there are always new products coming in the market. Before you take a decision, talk to your vet about the best options for your pet.

Beside this medication you can even spray preventative products in your yard. To be free from flea and tick, to ensure you, your pet and your family stay completely secured. The spray might help you to kill the fleas or tick in your yard and around your home, and keep you and your pet even safer.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pet Parenting – The Proven Ways to Teach Your Child about Responsible Pet Ownership

Recently, a surprising incidence came into the news. A child’s pet was lost when they were on picnic, and in the conquest to bring him back, he has worked hard through troughs and crests. With this news going viral, the internet had busted with trending twitter hashtag child’s pet, increased facebook likes and instant instagram hits.

This has really opened up a platform for us to discuss that how children love pets and if they are trained to become a responsible pet parent, they can really prove their mettle and show the world how children can take the best care because of their love for pets.
Taking this notion into consideration, we bring in here some of the few tips that you can apply and help your child become a good pet parent.

Parental Guidance
Children specially love pets and they posses that irresistible urge to own a pet. And many into this will turn out every stone to get their furry pal. At your kid’s age, you may remember how you had yearned to get a pet, and to have one you were ready to clean your room and keep your things at proper place or promised to mow the lawn every Sunday only to have a lovable companion. However, if you decide to get a pet then you need to be ready to handle all the responsibility and the same you need to inculcate these things in your child. You need to supervise your child when they like to carry on the pet care on their own. Remember that though children like to look after the pet, you should never leave them alone regardless how trustworthy your animal is or how well-behaved your child is.

Taking Steps for Basic Care
Involving a youngster in taking the basic care of your pet is essential and the first part to teach them is about their essential requirement. This also helps your child learn why a pet parent must take responsibility of taking care for their basic needs. Start discussing with your pet about what your pet needs as similar to humans such as food, water, medications, clean place to eat, proper personal space, somewhere to go toilet, room to play and move, quiet place to sleep.

You can even transfer of the more responsibilities depending on their age such as washing the pet’s food dishes, cleaning the litter box, grooming him or helping to lead during the walk and help them to understand the responsibilities of a pet owner. You need to also explain them about the parasites to which your pets are more vulnerable and treating them flea and tick control products such as nexgard, comfortis and frontline plus.

How To Handle Pets Responsibly
When your child likes to take care of the pet, it is also important to teach him/her how to handle them properly without hurting them or frightening them at an early age. Demonstrating and explaining the correct way of stroking your cat or dog and how to approach a dog will help create a good bond between your child and a pet. To get on the long route of pet parenting, teaching your child to understand the body language of a dog or a cat will imperatively help prevent unwanted accidents and result into a strong bondage between them.

You can even show your child how to teach the pet to listen to command and follow discipline without using aggression. You can even get your child register into training classes along with the family, if you are unsure of the training methods.

Importance of Vet Visits
For your child to be a responsible pet parent, you need to explain them the importance of vet visits. How important it is for a pet to be taken to your vet for vaccinations, annual checkups, spaying and neutering. Children are quite sensitive and taking your pet to the vet may be quite frightening for them. So you need to curve out the answer to help him understand the requirement of vaccination, yearly treatments and neutering or spaying. This will all help the youngster better understand what all the things a responsible pet parent needs to follow and do in order to provide the best care to their pet.