Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A Basic Health Guide on Bird Care for Beginners

Birds are the exotic pets and do require special attention and more care compared to your companion furry partners. Though caring for birds can often seem a daunting task, it is more of worth to enjoy their companionship as they are extremely social by nature. Many species make fun, engaging pets. 
Let’s follow the steps to explore and enjoy the hue of these feathery pets.

General Care

With that little extra care, it is not so difficult to keep your wingy pets healthy. A proper amount of diet that includes pellets, grains and fresh fruits, a clean cage, and a bowl of fresh water, safe toys, exercise, and supplements are the general things that you need to provide on the regular basis.

Pet Bird Food

When in wild, birds usually have a variety of foods available easily, which meet their basic as well as nutritional requirements. Considering this, you need to offer a platter of food with different varieties. Pellets, bird grains and fresh fruits are the best options that cover up their daily requirements. Branded premium bird diets provide all the required nutrients that help in keeping your pet bird healthy. Additionally, certain nutritional supplements need to be added to their diet to meet their nutrient requirement. At times, treats also need to be supplemented for a change or as a reward for the training.

Socialization – What Role it Plays?

Like any other pet, birds do love socializing and attention. Considering their wilderness habits, you will find that parrots like to live in flocks, roosting, flying and flocking together. Similarly, it needs to be considered as a family member at your home and taken care of like any other family member. Your bird would not like to be left alone when the family is chattering in another room. They love to talk, interact and play with you and other family members. So, if you are having family time, don’t miss to involve your parrot.

Bird Cage & Environment –Why They Are So Important?

Normally, many bird parents miss the cleanliness of their bird’s cage and their environment. Birds build their own nest and take care to keep it clean and decorated with all the fancies. They are not only fussy about dirty nests but also get easily infected in dirty cages. Pay attention that the cage needs to be big enough for your pet bird to have enough space for activity and move around. They need room to climb, exercise their wings and perform some tricks. Especially finches and canaries enjoy flying throughout the space, so more spacious cage is required for them. Moreover, if you are having multiple birds, it is good to have a big cage. Also, you should include a grate to separate your pet bird from the substrate. 

Caring In Summer & Winter

According to seasons, you need to change the way you take care of your wingy pets.
During summers, it is essential to provide the fresh, clean and cool water quite frequently to quench the thirst of your bird/s.  It is advisable to provide a larger and wider bowl of water, which needs to be at least 1 cm deep. This not only hydrates them but also at times help them refresh from the dryness and heat.
In winters, when the air is too cold, keep them near hearth which keeps them warm. Also, at night try to cover their cage with a quilt or blanket, such that a sudden drop in temperatures does not affect them badly. Winter also means need for more energy which again makes it necessary to provide good nutritional pet bird diet to your friend with wings.

With little efforts, care and commitment, it becomes much easier to take proper care of your pet bird. However, caring for feathery companions is less strenuous compared to companion animals. Bundle of love, the simplicity of maintenance and little attention make petting a bird quite interesting and joyful.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Overweight Dogs – A Warning Sign of Obesity and ‘tis’ Side Effects

With the changing needs and evolving lifestyle, pet parents get so much involved in the errands and work rush that at times they miss noticing what they are feeding to their furry companions. Most pet owners are well aware of the nutritional needs of their pets and feed them a proper diet. However, they forget to check whether the pet food, as they assume as highly nutritious, is really what it portrays. Many times the commercial diet that you may feed to your pet can be the cause of their overweight.

Oblivion to the dangers of obesity, usually pet parents do not have the fair idea about what should be the ideal weight of their Fido. And, this negligence builds a pathway of the numerous health conditions caused due to obesity. Moreover, many studies clearly state the ill effects of overweight. Certain breeds of dogs or dogs with certain medical history are prone to obesity. Without proper diet and exercise, these dogs tend to gain weight and fall in the trap of dangerous diseases.
Thence, it’s quite crucial that pet parents ensure that their furry pals possess optimal weight.

How to find if your pet is too fat or not?

Some studies also show that depression or anxiety may also make your pet obese. Stress is also one of the factors that can lead to weight gain and can bring troubles for your furry pal.

Therefore, it becomes crucial to help them overcome stress and anxiety in order to control the obesity problem.

What Australian Animal Health Studies Show?

Australian studies show that 1 out of 3 dogs are overweight but as per the clinical reports the number is much bigger because the majority of dogs are suffering from obesity-related health issues.

What Vets have to say?

Most vets say that obesity in dogs is a major issue these days. Pet owners are unaware of the fact that obesity in dogs is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease, osteoarthritis, painful joint injuries, liver disease and diabetes whereas obese cats are more prone to Urinary Tract Diseases.

Australian vets are concerned about the pet’s health as they claim that obesity is a delicate issue and many pet owners become defensive, finding excuses or simply laughing it off, not taking the condition seriously which can turn out to be a gross issue for their furry pal.

In wake of this, recently vets have become highly active in enlightening the pet parents about this problem. Below are the steps recommended by Vet Pros.

Steps to Control Obesity in Your Furry Pal

  • Provide premium diets that help in maintaining optimal weight.
  • Feed them with nutritional treats to meet the hunger pangs in your furry pal in  between the meals.
  • Take your pet on a walk daily.
  •  Exercise them daily.
  •  Enroll your pet in doga classes.
  •  Take your Fidothe to the dog park for playing.
  •  Spend quality time with him to increase happy hormones.
  •  Avoid overfeeding your dog.

Overweight means poor quality of life, more pain and discomfort than necessary, so keeping your dog at a healthy weight is what makes life easier and problem free. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Important Pet Care Tips To Help Your Cat Stay Healthy

Just like dogs, cats too are social animals and make great companion animals. As a cat parent, you may do many things to give your cat a great quality of life. There are many people who think that cats are not as friendly as dogs. This isn’t a fact in veracity. Cats are the great companions who entertain us, love us unconditionally, play with us and do so many things for us. You also need to give them the same love and affection as they do.
Therefore, check the following tips and if you think that you are not applying any particular point mentioned here then it’s time to implement it right now.

Here are a few tips for all the cat parents to help them take care of their cat.
  • It is necessary to have some hidden space in your house for your cat to hide. They always need private space and time. Some cats also hide when they are fearful and stressed. Give them their own space.
  • Vaccination is necessary as it will help protect your cat from contracting the serious and contagious disease in case they are exposed to certain parasites.
  • An annual check-up of your cat will keep her/him away from many illnesses as your vet will do a thorough check-up of your cat and will inform you about the overall status of your cat’s health.
  • Monitor your cat’s weight. Indoor cats are less active and always ready to take nap. Make sure you maintain your cat’s weight. Overweight leads to joint problems. Make a regular playtime for your cat during the day. You can take her in a park or provide toys to play or encouraging play with another companion cat.
  • Feed quality food. Feeding high-quality nutritional food meets your cat’s nutritional requirement and it will help your cat maintain its health.
  • Litter Box Check. Cats are very good at hiding their pain but there is one way through which you can get the hint of any pain or suffering. It is their litter box habit. If you identify any change in their litter box habit, visit your vet as soon as possible.
  • Oral hygiene is also necessary for your cat. Keep a regular check on your cat’s dental condition. It is difficult to brush your cat’s teeth but you can train your cat to accept this process.
  • These are some of the important things that play a prominent role in keeping the cat’s health at an optimum.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Four Baby Steps to Groom Your Puppy Like a PRO

Bringing home a new pup requires a lot of arrangements and makeover in your home. Moreover, as a new pet parent, you also need to be well acquainted with the various things that are required in keeping your pet clean, healthy and happy. For your fur kid to remain healthy, it is essential that you take proper care of his/her hygiene. Without proper grooming and hygiene, your puppy may tend to dwell in the abyss of lot of unwanted skin conditions and other related diseases. Therefore, to help your fur kid remain healthy, hygiene is crucial.

Let us find how you can groom your furkid like a PRO and introduce him to Cleaning 

Arranging a Clean Place

A clean and hygienic abode is necessary when it comes to taking care of your pup. Usually, inbreeding houses, puppies are gathered in filthy places with zero hygiene and no provinces to provide proper care. So, it is crucial that you allocate a proper place with clean surroundings for your new puppy. The clean dwelling will keep those germs away and protect our puppy from uninvited infections. Today, pet-friendly house cleaning 
materials are also available which are safe and can be used without any side effects.

Grooming Sessions

At the initial stages, your pup may not find grooming sessions exciting and at times may even tend to be fussy. But, it is crucial that you introduce him to the cleaning sessions to which they will adapt gradually. Ensure that you do not thrust your fur kid directly into the bathtub starts pouring water on him. Make him accustomed to the different stages of cleaning processes. Start by introducing him first to bathtub than to water. Then slowing start with wetting his paws while gradually pouring water to the whole body. Your puppy may feel anxious or frightened in the starting. Therefore, it is crucial that you need to have patience during the initial stages of the grooming session. Once your pup gets accustomed, it won’t be tedious or tricky. Gradually introduce him to brushes, shampoos, sprays, combs, clippers, nail trimmers and other cleansing products. Cleaning your furry 
pal needs your patience and vitality.

Bath Time

It is not necessary to take your pup for bath in the starting. For at least one month, let him get well acquainted with the house and the surroundings. You can avoid giving bath not until it turns to be one month. After three months, you can start grooming sessions and introduce him to various cleaning processes. You can give him a bath once in a week at the initial stages.
If you find that your puppy is grimy and does require some cleaning then you can clean him by following a simple process.

  • Take a clean soft towel and soak it in lukewarm water.
  • The water can be mixed with shampoo or puppy cleansing solution.
  • Gently wipe the puppy from head to tail.
  • Repeat the process for three to four times or until you find that your puppy looks clean.
  • Puppy skin is quite sensitive so do not apply any cleansing material directly onto your puppy.
Once cleansing is complete with lukewarm water, take another clean towel and pat gently over the whole body to dry your puppy. You can also use a hairdryer but be careful that you don’t use it harshly. As your puppy’s skin is sensitive, ensure that you only use quality grooming products. For good quality shampoos and conditioners, you can look for online pet stores that provide authentic and quality pet supplies for pets.

Trimming the Nails

When it comes to clipping the nails of the pet, most pet owners are quite skeptical about it and apprehend the same. If you fall in the same league then there is not much to worry. Just a simple training from a professional can make you skillful to trim your dog’s nails like a PRO.
Though puppies’ nails don’t grow much, making them acquainted with the procedure can help in future when you need to trim the nails. Take your pup in your lap and place his paw in your hand without squeezing the toe. Hold the toe firmly and start clipping the nail with a clipper. If you think you would require help, you can ask any of the family member or friend to help in this process by either placing your pup in their lap or holding your pet’s paw firmly so that you can trim easily without hurting your pup in case if he keeps moving constantly. It is advisable that you use small clippers for your puppy.
For growing a puppy into a healthy adult, it is paramount to take care of his hygiene and physical health. It would be easier and fruitful if you prepare a strategy and carry out the same religiously. You can take one task at a time such as brushing on the first day, bathing the next day while following with brushing the coat and trimming the nail in the coming days.

In a Nutshell,

This will not only make the procedure easier but also help your pup to get slowly adapted with the cleaning regimes. However, if you find that your puppy is feeling anxious or nervous about these procedures then it is better to give him some time and then gradually put him on grooming sessions. You can even use adaptive spray or collar for your pup which significantly aids in reducing anxiety and panic attacks. These behavioral products aids in keeping your pet calm and relaxed.