Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Effective Ways To Support Your Pet Suffering From Joint Pain & Arthritis

Dogs are the most energetic and adorable species that befriend mankind. Having a dog as a pet is like having liveliness in your life. Pet parents treat their dog as a kid and would never think him to be aged as the time flows. But, being aware of your pooch’s nature, when you see him struggling to jump over his favourite chair, doing a stiff walk instead of an easy run or just lying down accompanied by a deep groan, displays that he is trapped by the adversities of ageing. It is wearisome for pet parents to see that the things which were once the second nature of their dog have now become an effort. Considering the upside of ageing is when your Fido gets mature and wiser while the increased joint pain and possibility of arthritis is, unfortunately, a downside of ageing.

Here we will discuss the best possible ways to prevent the onset of arthritis and other joint issues in your dog.

Causes of Joint Pain in Dogs

Joint pain is one of the most common ailments found in dogs. There are many causes of joint pain and arthritis in dogs but hereditary conditions and such as hip dysplasia which are particularly common in some specific breeds of dogs. There’s cartilage surface of joints present in the dog’s body which begins to thin as and when the dog gets older and cartilage cells die. When the cells die, they release enzymes that cause inflammation of the joint capsule and releases excessive joint fluid. The severe thinning of cartilage narrows down the joint and the bone beneath the cartilage deteriorates. You cannot reverse joint disease but you can slow down the progression and often prevent it from taking a serious turn.

Below are the top tips to help ease your pooch’s joint pain.

What to Feed Your Dog

A healthy life starts with a healthy diet but it’s not just about starting a healthy life for your pooch because the major key is to maintain their healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, these days the food given to pets is full of carbohydrates while it is shown to be highly inflammatory.An abundance or carbs intake makes your dog obese and pets with excess weight put stress on joints and reduce their mobility. As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to provide a healthy diet for your pup. Adding joint-supporting dietary supplements such as Hill’s Prescription Diet j/d Canine Joint Care with Chicken Dry and Royal Canin Canine Mobility Large Dog Food can be highly beneficial.

How to help your Dog in Weight Management

Weight management is an antidote to regular exercising your dog is essential to prevent your dog from joint disease. But if your dog is already diagnosed with arthritis or joint pain then arduous exercise can detriment your dog’s joint. Therefore, doing little exercise regularly is crucial for continued joint mobility. This helps to strengthen the ligaments and muscles around affected joints. So, in order to restrict your pet from gaining an excess amount of weight and putting unnecessary pain on joints, be punctilious with their weight management.

What are the Joint Care Products for Dog

There is a myriad of joint care supplements available in the market. But, it can be overwhelming for pet parents to choose the joint care products that best suitable for your Fido. The supplements can be used to improve joint mobility and support better joint functioning. However, the highly recommended joint care products for dogs are Bark Naturals Joint-Boost Supplement, Joint GuardPowder for Dogs and Joint Guard Liver Treat Chews for Canines available at discounted rates on

Keeping your Dog in Warm & Dry Environment

When your pooch is suffering from joint pain, he would be longing for an easy and comfortable environment. Pet parents should ensure to take steps to adjust their dog’s environment at home. It is all about making it easier for the dog to do what they love without risking injury. Provide soft supportive bedding for his achy joints, secure the rugs to help your dog get traction when he walks and use ramps to help him get in and out of the bed or up to the car.

Other Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Joints Healthy

Along with these points, there are quite a few more things you can do to relieve your pet from joint pain.

·      Acupuncture is a painless technique that works amazingly to relief your pet from pain.
·    The therapeutic laser greatly improves arthritic condition which is a newer form of treatment that stimulates blood flow to tissue and can.
·    Make an effort to massage your Fido regularly to keep their muscles loose or go to a professional animal massage therapist to leverage your dog’s flexibility, circulation and stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Pet parents strive to support their dogs suffering from joint pain or arthritis with an abundance of their affection, support and care. It is all about GTFGproviding a healthy diet to your dog followed by regular exercise, providing suitable supplements, keep your dog moving and just help them feel better.

Friday, June 14, 2019

What Does a Dog’s Body Language Tell About Him?

Have you ever wondered why your dog keeps wagging his tail or jumps when he sees you? Well, dogs have an ebullient personality. Most dogs are cheerful until something irks them. Unlike humans, dogs can’t express their emotions verbally. It’s said that you can tell a lot about a person from his body language, which applies to pets as well. Dogs tend to act differently when they’re nervous. Every little thing your pooch does has some reason behind it. So, in order to understand your dog, you need to pay attention to his body language. Keep on reading to find out what your dog’s actions tell about him.

Tail Wagging

Tail wagging is the most common behaviour in dogs. We often associate this signal with happiness. You’d be surprised to know that a dog wagging his tail doesn’t always indicate he’s happy.
It all depends on the speed. If the dog wags his tail too fast, he’s trying to show his excitement and happiness. On the other hand, slow tail wagging usually indicates nervousness or anxiousness in a dog.

Open Mouth

A relaxed dog will have a very calm demeanor; mouth open, relaxed ear, blinking eyes. You must have noticed that many breeds of dogs constantly keep their mouths open. Some dogs naturally keep their mouth open, while others do it because they might be hungry, out of breath, or they’re just happy.

Avoiding Eye-Contact

If your pooch is looking down instead of making eye-contact, fret not! It’s just his polite way of talking to you. Dogs are not a huge fan of making eye-contact, so they usually look down when they’re trying to be polite.

Perked Up Ears

Dogs have very sharp senses and their ears are always on alert mode. Whenever they hear something suspicious or notice a possible threat, their ears will point upwards. Even if they smell their favourite food, their ears will perk up and they’ll try to follow that smell. So, keep observing your dog’s surroundings to find out what has piqued his interest.


Yawning not only means that your dog is sleepy but it is also his way of communicating with you. If you yawn back at your dog, he’ll know that you’ve understood his message. Dogs yawn because they’re either over exhausted, or they’re very relaxed. Basically, when your dog yawn, he’s trying to say, “hooman, please let me sleep now!”

Whale Eye

Whale eye is referred to the white of the eye (sclera). Whenever your dog is anxious, he will avert his gaze and you’ll be able to see the white of his eyes. This kind of situation usually occurs during a visit to the pet, a place most dogs try to avoid.

Licking Lips

A dog licking his lips or panting indicates that he’s nervous or uncomfortable. This can be due to many reasons; new surroundings, getting infested by annoying parasites, or when 
they spot a stranger.

If your dog is uncomfortable in his new surroundings, place some of his old toys in his place. Doing so will calm him down and he won’t feel nervous in a new atmosphere. Furthermore, if you find your is infested by parasites, start the treatment as soon as you can. We offer a wide range of flea and tick treatments as well as products for intestinal worm infection to maintain your pet’s well-being.

Dogs are similar to humans in many ways. By learning these little signs, we can understand what they’re trying to convey. Your pooch will also appreciate your efforts in understanding his language. Pet parenting is not always a walk in the park; sometimes you have to put more efforts. Though, in the end, all these efforts will be worth it when you see the happiness on your buddy’s face!