Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sometimes Pet Dogs Bite When Touched – Why?

Got bit by your dog? Here’s what to do and what not to do. Dogs are man’s most loyal friends. They too have feelings and are affectionate towards their loved ones. Most of the dogs love being petted or brushed, but, there are many that don’t.

There have been a lot of instances where dogs have bitten their owners on being petted or touched at a particular place. On such occasions, the pet owners generally experience a feeling of horror, anger, surprise or guilt. The first thought that crosses a pet owner’s mind is the fear of losing his/her pet owing to the rising aggressive symptoms. Many may even shoe counter aggression and resort to punitive measures.

Both of these actions can prove to be counterproductive. Canines move away from you when being handled either because they are afraid or are in pain. A pet owner needs to astutely determine the course of action whilst encountering such a situation.

Consult a Vet for Injury Check-Up:

If your pet resists being handled, get him checked with the veterinary for any injuries leading to pain. There may be occasions when problems like ingrown toenails, abscessed teeth, etc might be causing pain or discomfort to your pooch.

Assess the Issue Thoroughly:

If a pet owner isn’t aware of the real cause, then it’s important to keep details of the event leading to the aggressive action of the pet. Keeping a record of the issues for at least a week with a log of what was happening in the surroundings will help one reach the cause sooner. Details like what were you doing during the incident? Who else was around? When did the pet get upset on being handled? Keeping a log will help identify a pattern and eventually the cause of the issue.

Train Your Dog to Give Consent:

One of the better ways to deal with such problems is to train your pet to give consent. Train your dog to come to you on performing an action. If he does so, you gently pet him. If he doesn’t, it means your pooch wants some time alone and as a pet parent one should respect the decision. When your furry pal does come closer, gently pet for a couple of seconds and see if he wants more of it or if he is moving away from you. This will give a clear idea if your canine is resisting being handled or not.


Ensure that your pooch is in a relaxed state of mind. Call your pet over. If he doesn’t, respect his decision. Initiate with gentle petting. Offer your canine some treats and work your way towards the problem area. Every time you reach for the affected area, offer your pooch a treat. Increase the number of repetitions per minute after every break. Take lots of breaks. Ensure that you take time and go slow.

Your dog will take time to understand you, trust you and believe in you. But it takes a lot of patience. Regular check-ups, proper care and patience can make sure that you and your little ball of fur enjoy a life full of love and joy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Why Do Dogs Like To Dig And How To Stop It?

Dogs are adorable but at the same time, they can wreak havoc if left unsupervised. Dogs are known for getting into troubles and then looking up to humans with puppy eyes, asking for forgiveness. It’s almost impossible to resist the cute face of a dog after he has done some mischief, though it’s also vital to train in a certain manner which doesn’t encourage such behaviour. If you neglect one mistake of your furry pal, he’ll perceive it as a green signal which can lead to destructive behaviour in future.

Every pet parent must be familiar with the obsession their dogs have with digging. You can have a perfectly fine yard and your pooch will mess it up in no time. So, you need to be extra careful if you are gardening in your yard. Dogs only need a moment of freedom to go and attack the yard as well as the vegetables you’ve planted. However, there’s a reason why dogs dig; it’s not just out of spite. Therefore, here are some points which will reveal why dogs like to dig and how you can stop your dog from digging.

Digging Out Of Boredom

If your dog sees you digging the yard to plant any flowers or vegetables, he’ll think it’s okay for him to do the same thing. Moreover, when dogs don’t get sufficient exercise, they start digging to release all that pent up energy. Furthermore, it can turn into a habit if you don’t pay attention to your furry pal’s needs.

Going After Insects or Worms

Dogs are always on the alert mode and when there’s dirt, there are always worms or insects. Therefore, your pooch might be digging up shrubs just so he could catch that wriggly worm.

Getting More Comfortable

Dogs weren’t always kept as pets in ancient times and hence they didn’t have proper living space. Most dogs would dig the hole and lay in the comfort of sand to protect them from heat, cold or rainy days. Thus, it’s the dog’s natural instinct to seek protection in small and enclosed spaces.

Fear or Anxiousness

Every person needs a safe space to escape when things get too overwhelming. Likewise, dogs also like to isolate themselves when they find the surrounding or people dangerous or unsafe.
How to stop your dog from digging
  • Ensure your dog is getting enough exercise every day. You might want to consider taking him for a short stroll after dinner or visit a dog park during weekends.
  • Make your home a happy place. Your dog should know that he’s safe in the house and if there’s anything that’s bugging him, observe his reactions to find out what it is.
  • Whenever there’s a change in weather, see that the temperature is neither too cold nor too warm.
  • If you think there are any burrowing animals or insects in your yard, get rid of them as soon as you can. They might harm your pet, so it’s crucial to take immediate action and remove any kind of insects or animals from your yard.
The best way to prevent such behaviour is to ensure the dog is active and getting sufficient exercise. Your furry pal will love you if you take him to the park. So, just make sure you protect him with a flea and tick spray before you head out.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Treating Your Dog: 5 Questions to Ask Yourselves

Everybody loves a treat of two, be it us humans or our furry munchkins. Treating your pets from time to time, especially for good behaviour is something that most parents do. But there are times when pet parents overdo this treating thing. And too much of anything is not at all good. So to treat the right way, pet parents should ask themselves these 5 simple questions.

Who Should Treat Your Dogs?

First up, when it comes to giving your dog a treat, anyone could toss a treat to your canine friend, right? It could be your family member, a stranger, or anyone else for that matter. But too many people feeding your canine dog treats is not good at all, for the simple reason that it will affect his health. This does not mean no one can feed him treats. They, of course, can but make sure you keep a restriction on who feeds him. Keep an eye!

What To Treat Your Dog?

The market is filled with numerous dog treats that come in various shapes and sizes such as chewable tablets and chewable sticks. No matter what type of dog treats you opt for your furry pal, make sure it is a healthy and tasty treat. Most of these treats come in different flavours, and if you know what kind of treat (beef flavoured, meat flavoured, etc) your pal loves, you should pick that particular treat for him.

Where To Treat Your Dog?

Generally speaking, you can treat your dog wherever you like. There are simply no restrictions to that. But be careful of the surrounding areas because sometimes when you toss a treat, your fur buddy (not being the swiftest of them all) can miscue the catch, and the treat can go rolling onto some dirt lying around. They may consume that same treat, and that will, in all likelihood, lead to health issues like tapeworms. To treat worms in dogs, there are wormers available online. Moving on, be extra careful about the surroundings before tossing a treat to your buddy.

When To Treat Your Dog?

Normally speaking, treats are given to dogs as a reward for good behaviour or during training while teaching them a new trick. Treating your dog at such situations is very important because randomly dishing out treats to them will confuse your furry pal. So, make it a point to treat your dog only when he behaves and listens to you!

Why To Treat Your Dog?

Because why not? Your mate deserves some tasty treats every now and then. And doesn’t this kind gesture of yours strengthen the bond between him and you? It sure does!

Treats are something every dog parent should give their furry pals. So if you haven’t been giving your furry buddy treats, we advise you to do so. Also, we hope this blog has helped you gain the desired knowledge you’ve been looking for. Good luck!

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