Monday, May 31, 2021

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Home

When you think of fleas, the first thing that comes to mind is they are tiny irritating insects. If you go with this understanding, then you are more than undermining the consequences they bring with them. Fleas bring along a unique set of problems and dealing with them can prove to be a real task. Fortunately, there are few ways you can eliminate fleas from your house and reduce the risk of flea infestation in your beloved companion.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Home


Before you try to win the battle with fleas, you should have some understanding about them because there are some flea treatments that work on different flea life stages, and it is vital to know which treatment will give your pet the best results.

Fleas have four stages during their life cycle which include egg, larva, pupa, and adult stage. Adult fleas need a host like your pet to live on where they can lay eggs. These eggs fall off and spread across your home in and out. Then they hatch into larvae and form cocoons during the pupa stage where they become adults and infest the host animal.


There are numerous flea and tick treatments available which can be used in different combination to settle the flea issue.

Oral flea products are the most popular treatments amongst pet lovers because they create a lesser mess while administration. These products work systematically within hours of ingestion. Nexgard, Bravecto, Simparica, etc. are amongst the bestsellers.

Topical flea treatments are proven to be a very effective way of providing relief to your pet from fleas. Frontline Plus, Activyl, Advantage, etc. are the leading brands in this category.

Other effective treatments for fleas include collars and flea shampoos.

Make sure you administer the above treatments only after consulting a veterinarian in order to get the desired treatment results.


Treating your pet from flea and ticks does not solve the flea problem at all instead it is just a part of the process. What about the other guests which are lying on the carpet surface or furniture? These areas too need to be flea-free so that your pet has reduced chances of being re-infested.

Vacuuming is one of the effective ways of treating your house from fleas, especially from the places which are hard to crack, such as under the furniture, baseboards, windows, door frames, etc. Vacuuming eliminates many of the eggs, larvae, and pupae developing within the home. It also helps insecticide to penetrate carpet fibers and kill live fleas. Do not forget to seal the vacuum bag and discard it outside in a trash container. Vacuum at regular intervals to minimize the chances of a new flea build-up.

Flea sprays, foggers, and powders can be used to kill and hamper the flea growth in yards and lawns.

It is necessary to wash your pet’s bedding frequently. Wash them in hot and soapy water.


Just in case, if you wish to use some readily available household products to get rid of fleas, there are a few. Using these remedies will save you both time and money.

Flea Comb

Furry animals like dogs, cats, etc. are the loving homes for fleas. Flea combs are made so that they reach extensively into animal’s fur and segregate fleas including larva and eggs. Frequent use of this tool will surely provide your friend a great relief.


Due to its chemical composition, saltworks similar to baking soda. Sprinkle it in your home or garden. Within 2-3 days fleas will be dehydrated, then use a vacuum to clean up.

More often than not, you will achieve your goal of keeping your beloved companion flea-free, only if you follow the above-mentioned measures. In case, flea issues continue, seek help from a professional exterminator or a veterinarian.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Five Must Have Treatments in Your Pet Pantry

 Have you missed something in your pet pantry or still in a predicament wondering which pet products to stock for the complete health of your furry pal? The tricky thing isn’t it. Well, let’s help you come out of this abyss providing you a list of five must-have pet products that are essential for the overall well-being of your pet.

Five Must Have Treatments in Your Pet Pantry

Flea and Tick Treatments

Fleas and ticks are those insidious creatures much like vampires who suck blood from your furry friend to thrive and multiply. In spite of all your cohesive protection plans, they make their own way back into your house seeking your pet as their heavenly abode. So, to tackle the hideous acts of these tiny creatures, never forget to stock your pet pantry with monthly flea and tick treatments.

Designed and developed with the most advanced medical science, the new age flea and tick control products such as Nexgard, Bravecto, and scalibor are in eliminating the pests further protecting your pet against harmful infestations.

Though numerous agencies come forward with a lot of speculations about the downside of the popular flea and tick treatments such as Nexgard and Bravecto, the product analysts and vets usually confirm the safety of these products as the wider pet population gains health benefits because of these products.

Heartworm Preventive

The most dangerous disease that the dog species have been facing for a long is heartworm. Scientists and medical professionals have undergone vigorous research to come forth with a safe treatment that doesn’t take a toil on the animal. But still, there is a silver lining, especially with preventive treatments. Regular heartworm preventive explicitly prevents heartworm disease. These are monthly preventives and have to be given once a month without any breaks.

Dental Care Kit

Neglecting dental care can lead to a myriad of trivial issues specially targeted to vital organs like heart, lungs, and kidneys. A proper brushing followed with mouth gel ensures mouth free from germs giving a zero opportunity for bacterial infection. Therefore, a complete dental kit should always find a place in your pantry shelf.

Manoeuvre their teeny teeth with effective products like Pet Dent toothpaste, Pet Dent toothbrush and gel to leave your pet’s mouth smelling good and refreshing.

Joint Supplements

Age plays its role whether it is for humans or animals. The daily wear and tear of joints are inevitable but it can be avoided vehemently with the consistent supply of joint supplements. Putting your furry pet on joint diets at the early stage can effectively reduce the risk of joint pain and other joint-related conditions.

Recognizing the early signs of arthritis can also thrust you to avail proper joint supplement for the complete health of your pet’s joints.

Behavioural Treatments

Though contracting with the numerous incidences where your furry pal does not seem in his senses, you miss to consider the gravity of the issue and forgo it unless it requires intense medical care or an emergency vet visit. Many factors can trigger the serenity of your furry pal turning them to be aggressive or become repulsive donning on anxiety and stress.

This can be best prevented with behavioural treatments like Feliway spray for cats or Adaptil spray or Adaptil Collar for dogs. Furthermore, for anxiety-stricken furry pals, homeopathic products can be a boon.

The ratio of such incidences scales higher especially during the festive season, so the best armour is prevention. Treat your pet before the pageantry to eschew the behavioural issues arising in your furry pals during special occasions.

Latent Treatment – A Hidden Treasure

Well-stocked all the required must-haves in your pet inventory but if you missed to stock that equally with love for your furry pal then definitely you are doing no good for your pet. Having a quality time embellished with the love and care sets above all the treatments you give, and lack of which may just end up everything in vanity.

So, stock your pantry with all the essential pet products along with love and care creating a life of bliss and happiness for your furry friend.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Highly Beneficial Dog Joint Supplement Ingredients

Joint health and bones are one of the major pillars of the dog’s body. Any injury in the joints can hamper their mobility. Thus, it’s imperative to look after your furry pal’s joints to avoid any developmental joint health problems in the future. Your beloved pooch might be suffering from joint pain and you wouldn’t even know as dogs try not to show their pain and suffering to their pet parents. No one wants to see their dog suffer, especially from something that can be easily prevented with the help of supplements.

Highly Beneficial Dog Joint Supplement Ingredients

There are numerous supplements available for improving and maintaining joint health but choosing a product with the right ingredient is vital for optimal results. Therefore, here you’ll find a comprehensive list of food and ingredients that work towards enhancing your furry pal’s joint health.

Key Ingredients for Dog’s Hip and Joint Health

Vitamin C & E

Dogs are capable of producing vitamin C on their own, but the ones facing joint health issues need additional supplements to remain in good health. Moreover, Vitamin C assists in combating free radicals and slowing down the aging process in dogs. Furthermore, Vitamin C helps in preventing and reducing inflammation and generating antioxidants in the dog’s body.

Bark Naturals Vitamin C Boost Powder for Dogs is an excellent supplement for dogs with a weak immune system. It strengthens bone health and prevents infections.


Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD is highly beneficial for dogs that are prone to arthritis. It’s a natural pain reliever that also reduces inflammation and prevents infection in dogs. Moreover, this supplement also slows down the process of arthritis by keeping the dog’s joints healthy.


This is a form of amino sugar that works towards strengthening and restoring the cartilages. Moreover, it also maintains synovial fluid in the dog’s body which is responsible for lubricating the joints. It’s one of the best supplements to use on dogs that are suffering from arthritis.


Curcumin, an active ingredient derived from the turmeric plant has numerous benefits. You’ll want to start administering this supplement when you find out how useful it is for the body. Turmeric has antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Who knew turmeric was this beneficial? This ingredient not only helps in combating arthritis but also prevents Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes.


Boswellia resin is anti-inflammatory and is beneficial for dogs. It shrinks down the tissues that are inflamed and help in improving blood supply in the body. Moreover, it regenerates the damaged blood vessels and relieves joint pain caused by arthritis.


It is vital to keep the bones and joints hydrated to sustain mobility and elasticity of the body. This ingredient helps in retaining water in the joint and hinders the enzymes responsible for rupturing cartilages and joint fluid.

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids have antioxidant properties that aids in relieving pain. This ingredient not only prevents infections but also promotes skin and coat health. Furthermore, it is also beneficial for maintaining overall health.

Bark Naturals Omega & Coconut Oil Supplement is an excellent source for improving your pooch’s joint health and keeping him in good health.


For sufficient cartilage generation, collagen is required. This supplement not only improves bone health but also keeps the skin healthy.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is automatically produced by the body and helps in lubricating the joint fluids. This ingredient is crucial for dogs that have suffered from any injury or are hyperactive. The additional supplement helps in replacing the Hyaluronic Acid which is damaged due to aging, wear, and tear, or trauma.

All the above-mentioned natural ingredients are great for your pooch’s health. Every single ingredient has many benefits which maintain healthy joints as well as promotes overall well-being. Joint pain can be excruciating and hamper your pet’s daily activities. Moreover, it can also lead to many joint health issues like osteosarcoma and arthritis. Therefore, ensure you are providing supplements to your four-legged pal so he doesn’t have to suffer from any kind of joint pain.

DiscountPetCare also offers a wide range of dog food products that are not only palatable but also high in nutrition and vitamins. These products will provide the required nutrients to your dog and prevent many health-related conditions.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How To Keep Your Dog Warm And Comfortable This Winter


How To Keep Your Dog Warm And Comfortable This Winter

Dogs are protected with their fur and coat that is nature-given protection to survive through winters. However, many times it happens that dogs do get ill during winters. Hence, fur and coat are not enough to guard your pooch against the winter season.

Then What To Do?

Well, there are many things you can do to safeguard your dog from the ill effects of winter. Read below 

Joint Issues And Arthritis

Joint problems are very common in winters. Keep a watch on your dog to see the symptoms of joint pain or arthritis and make sure that you don’t make him exercise more. Special orthopedic beds are available for dogs suffering from joint pain. Joint supplements like Paw Osteocare Chew and Joint Guard are advised to be given to pets suffering from joint problems and arthritis.

Make Sure Your Pet’s Bed Is Warm

Never commit the mistake of allowing your pet to sleep on a floor. Make sure you provide a warm and comfortable bed to your furry mate. There are heated dog beds available in the market, and you can buy one for your furry companion. If your dog stays outside, make sure that the kennel is heated and has comfortable beddings to keep your pooch warm.

Diet and Exercise

The cold weather and a cozy bed with a warm blanket obviously won’t motivate you to go out and exercise. So, you need to manage your dog’s diet in such a way that you don’t overfeed him. You should feed him according to the calories he/she is burning or else your dog will gain weight and become obese. Provide a small amount of food at different intervals of time.


It’s winter season, so, ensure that you don’t trim your furry mate’s fur too short just for the sake of some hairstyle. Use good skincare shampoos and conditioners that keep your pooch’s coat and fur moisturized. Shampoos like Aloveen shampoos and fur and skincare products like Essential 6 are recommended.

Flea And Tick Treatments

The Winter season doesn’t mean that your pooch is safe from parasites. There have been many cases of flea and tick outbreaks in the country and in all the cases almost one thing was common, careless parents. So, don’t be careless and administer flea and tick treatments like Bravecto chews, frontline plus, Nexgard and etc.

All your dog wants is some love and care. Make sure you provide both to your pooch. Also, consult your vet in case of any unusual health care issues.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Common Pet Illnesses And Their Treatments

We, humans, tend to treat our beloved four-legged buddies as our babies and want to always see them hale and hearty. But unfortunately, like us, our poor pals are prone to numerous ailments and health-related issues. While some are minor problems, others may potentially be life-threatening. Whatever may be the case, it is our duty and responsibility to understand their symptoms and be quick to act upon them. In this particular blog, we will be looking into the common pet illnesses and remedies to overcome them.

Common Pet Illnesses And Their Treatments

5 Common Pet Illnesses and How To Treat Them

Here are the 5 common pet illnesses and solutions on how to tackle them. Do give it a read, pet parents.

#1. Fleas and Ticks

The risk of your pet succumbing to fleas and ticks is high during the summer months, but we all know that such pesky pests can infect your buddy at any given time, irrespective of whatever season is currently going on. The symptoms that your four-legged mate is down with fleas and ticks include:

  • Excessive scratching
  • Constant licking of fur
  • Frequent fur biting

To get rid of fleas and ticks, or better, keep them at bay, it is best advised to put your pet on a yearly flea and tick preventative schedule. Checkout DiscountPetCare for a wide range of flea and tick preventatives for both cats and dogs.

#2. Ear Infections

Generally speaking, pets with floppy ears are at a higher risk of getting ear infections. Moreover, it is also harder to remove dirt and debris from such ears. Some of the symptoms related to ear infections in pets are:

  • Frequent scratching near the ear areas
  • Possible ear lobes swelling

Therefore, it is imperative for pet parents to constantly check their pet’s ear every once in a while. Moreover, to treat ear infections in pets, products such as Kleo Ear Cleaner, Ilium Ear drops, Epi-Otic ear, etc.

#3. Common Allergies

Like humans, dogs and cats too can suffer from allergies. Most of these allergies are generally related to the environment, and pets suffering from allergies must be adhered to as quickly as possible. Some symptoms related to pet allergies include:

  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Discomforts like itching, licking or chewing

Getting rid of it can be a bit tricky, which is why prevention is always the best option. Try keeping your pet far away from dust and other possible locations. Moreover, Apoquel is a renowned allergy oral solution that can be considered to curb allergies in pets.

#4. Arthritis

Generally speaking, all pets, when they reach adulthood will eventually get arthritis. While it is inevitable for your pets to get arthritis, it can be delayed if proper precautions and measures are taken. Some of the symptoms of arthritis include:

  • Difficulty in walking
  • Lameness
  • Struggling to move an inch

While arthritis cannot actually be cured, your pet can feel some sort of relief if you opt for products such as Joint Guard and Paw Osteocare chews. Such products provide good relief and help in preventing quick wear and tear in the joints of pets.

#5. Heartworm Infections

Ticks as we all know can spread diseases known as tick-borne diseases. One such deadly and life-threatening disease spread by ticks is heartworm. This deadly disease is not curable and hence, prevention is the only solution to it. Thus, it is mandatory for pet parents to be vigilant and keep their pets on a heartworm preventative schedule. Some of the best heartwormers include Heartgard Plus, Valuheart, Nuheart, Profender, Drontal, etc.

It is essential for pet parents to always check their buddy for symptoms as quickly as possible because the faster you act the chances of your buddy getting treated is higher. Be vigilant and take care of your furry mate. Stay alert, stay safe!

The Do’s And Dont’s Of Dog Training | DiscountPetCare

Let us look at the do's and dont's of proper dog training that will help every dog parent train their pooch better. Dog training can be a cumbersome and arduous task and despite our best efforts. But there is nothing to worry about because as they say, try until you succeed. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Why Frontline Plus Is The Ideal Product For Your Pets?

There is no denying that the number of diseases in pets has increased manifold. And due to this, many animal manufacturing companies are coming out with products that can help curb this ever-growing issue. While there are many diseases that harm pets, fleas and ticks are the highly common ones. In fact, most fatal diseases are caused because of such parasites. Thus, to eliminate and prevent such pesky critters from harming your beloved dog or cat, Frontline Plus is the ideal product for pet parents.

Why Frontline Plus Is The Ideal Product For Your Pets?

What Is Frontline Plus?

First things first, Frontline Plus for dogs and Frontline Plus for cats are two separate products. Though both products contain the same ingredients (Fipronil and S-Methoprene), they are not alike and have a few dissimilarities. Let us look at both the products individually.

Frontline Plus for Dogs

Frontline Plus is a highly potent topical solution that treats and prevents heavy flea infestations as well as aids in the proper control of ticks, including brown dog ticks and paralysis ticks on dogs. This rapid action formula also helps in the proper control of biting lice. Additionally, it also curbs the development of flea eggs, pupae, and larvae. Frontline Plus also treats and controls flea allergy dermatitis as well as effectively controls sarcoptic mange.  Moreover, it controls brown dog ticks for up to one month and paralysis ticks for up to 2 weeks. Last but not least, Frontline Plus is extremely safe to use on all dog breeds and puppies over the age of 8 weeks.

Frontline Plus for Cats

Frontline Plus for cats and kittens is a powerful spot-on treatment that is extremely effective on all stages of fleas, including flea eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult fleas. It kills flea re-infestations with newly acquired adult fleas for at least 1 month after the treatment. Frontline Plus also aids in the effective control of biting lice and can be used in the treatment and control of flea allergy dermatitis. Moreover, this excellent topical treatment is suitable for use on cats and kittens of over 8 weeks old.

Why Choose Frontline Plus?

Frontline Plus is one of the best treatments for fleas and ticks on dogs and fleas on cats. They are widely recognized products that come straight from the house of Merial/Boehringer Ingelheim. Some of the reasons why you should opt for these products have been given below!

  • Both the Frontline Plus products (for dogs and for cats) are very cost-effective. Moreover, you can get them at discounted rates only at DiscountPetCare.
  • The products are multi-spectrum products that have multiple uses.
  • They come in different pack sizes to suit your needs.
  • It is extremely easy to use.
  • It provides month-long protection from parasites for both cats and dogs.
  • They are suitable for every kind of dog and cat breed going around.
  • Lastly, if you buy these products from DiscountPetCare, you will be entitled to FREE SHIPPING.

With so many positives, Frontline Plus for dogs and cats is surely the ideal product for every dog or cat parent. So, what’s holding you back? Get Frontline Plus for your dog or cat today!

Saturday, May 22, 2021

5 Pests That Are Dangerous For Your Dog

Dogs love to play outdoors and explore the world. It can be fun to watch your pet running in the park, playing in the backyard, or chasing a bug or any critter. However, it is imperative for pet parents to know that certain creepy crawlers are dangerous for your pet. Unlike the bugs that simply bite your pet and cause itching, there are many critters that can engender dogs to become severely ill if they come in contact with such poisonous creatures.

5 Pests That Are Dangerous For Your Dog

Therefore, it is important to help your Fido avoid contacting certain pests. Here is a list of pests that can be harmful to your pet.


Fleas are the dark brown creature that latches on your pet from the surrounding and bites them that causes severe itching. Many dogs are allergic to fleas, which can be a major matter of concern because it can cause flea allergy dermatitis. This is an allergic reaction caused to pets just when a flea lands on them and results in extensive scratching in dogs. If you notice fleas on your pet then ensure to immediately provide him with flea treatments or take him to the vet in case of heavy flea infestation. Fleas, if left untreated can cause tapeworms in dogs, which can be fatal. Ensure to provide flea preventives to your Fido in order to prevent him from flea-borne diseases.


Tenacious ticks are known as the bloodsuckers as they feed on your pet’s blood after attaching themselves to their skin. If a tick remains unnoticed for a longer period then it can cause dangerous diseases such as Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in dogs. Therefore, it is crucial to remove the ticks using a tick remover or tweezers before they can fuel any tick-borne diseases in the pet. You notice multiple ticks on your pet then speak to your vet and provide tick treatment to your pet. Make sure that your pet is treated properly and place him on a monthly preventive.


Mosquitoes are known as common disease spreaders in humans as well as in pets. An infected mosquito when bites your dog can transmit larvae into their bloodstream causing heartworms in dogs, which holds the potential to be fatal to dogs. Moreover, a mosquito can also transmit other diseases in dogs such as Anemia, Equine encephalitis, and West Nile Virus. This parasite can cause harmful diseases in pets if not treated. So, consider providing heartworm prevention to your dog regularly. Furthermore, also provide parasites control products to protect your pet from mosquitoes


Cockroaches are the most irritating creatures that capture the tiny places in your home. They are like those uninvited guests running all over your home and generally found in corners. Cockroaches are common carriers for diseases in pets and humans. It is the pet food that attracts cockroaches and if roaches share your pet’s meal then they could build up poison in his body which can be harmful to your pup’s health. So, consider keeping your pet’s food and water bowls away and protected from cockroaches.

Venomous Spiders & Bees

Venomous spiders are dangerous for your small puppy and for you as well. Poisonous spiders such as Black Widow can cause neuromuscular damage to the pet with a single bite. Moreover, bees are prone to cause mouth pain, swelling, and allergic reaction in dogs. Hence, it is crucial to keep an eye on venomous spiders and bees in your home. If you spot any spiders or bees on your pet then ensure to remove them immediately.

Many topical and oral preventives are available to protect your pet from harmful pests. So, ensure to provide them with the same. In case any of any sting, insect bite, or ingestion, consult your pet as soon as possible to get the required treatment.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Myths vs Facts Regarding Heartworms In Dogs

is a very risky and potentially deadly disease that affects dogs of almost every breed. They live and breed in the heart and blood vessels of the dog’s lungs. Moreover, heartworm infection is spread from one infected animal to another by way of a mosquito bite. It is spread when a mosquito bite picks up tiny larvae called microfilaria from the dog’s bloodstream and transmits them to other dogs.

Myths vs Facts Regarding Heartworms In Dogs

This particular disease is extremely difficult and expensive to treat but the good news is, it can be easily prevented. And while heartworm is a life-threatening disease, there have been a lot of myths going around. So let us look at those myths, and find out the actual facts about them.

Heartworm Disease In Dogs: Myths vs Facts

There have been a few misconceptions regarding heartworm in dogs and we will be looking at them, one by one.

1st Myth About Heartworm: Dogs that live indoors are not at risk of getting infected by heartworm disease.

Actual Fact: It is a myth, of course, and this is because heartworm infection is spread through a mosquito bite. Just a single mosquito bite can infect your dog with the dreaded heartworm infection. Hence, all dogs are at risk of getting infected with heartworm.

2nd Myth About Heartworm: Dogs that live in heartworm-infected areas are only prone to get infected with the disease.

Actual Fact: Well, this is absolutely untrue. And this is because heartworm can infect any dog living anywhere in the world. It is not only limited to a specific area. Thus, it is best advised to put your dog on a heartworm preventative schedule and keep them safe at all times.

3rd Myth About Heartworm: Treating heartworm is extremely easy as preventing the disease.

Actual Fact: Well, we have mentioned earlier that preventing heartworm disease is pretty easy due to the many heartworm preventatives that are available in the market. But when it comes to treating heartworm infection in dogs, it is expensive (approximately $1000) and also fairly risky. Hence, as always, prevention is better than cure.

Heartworm Prevention: How To Go Ahead With It?

All the vets in the world will recommend heartworm prevention and that is because it is much safer and less expensive. So how to go about preventing heartworm in dogs? Well, there are many heartwomers that are available who do a fine job at keeping heartworm at bay. Some of the best heartwormers for dogs include:

Heartgard Plus: A vet’s first recommended choice for heartworm disease prevention, Heartgard Plus is a beef-flavored tablet that treats heartworm larvae and protects dogs from heartworm infection for a month. Moreover, it also helps in treating other conditions including treating roundworms and hookworms.

Nuheart & Valuheart: Both Nuheart and Valuheart are generic versions of the branded Heartgard Plus. But both have the same active ingredient as Heartgard Plus and are as effective as Heartgard Plus in preventing heartworm disease for one full month.

Nexgard Spectra: This particular oral treatment is more widely known as a powerful flea and ticks preventative and treatment. But is also is effective at keeping heartworm at bay. So if you are looking for a flea and tick as well as heartworm preventative, then Nexgard Spectra can be a great option.

The above heartworm preventatives can be purchased at extensively lower rates at DiscountPetCare. So make sure you check the website out. Also, make sure you consult a vet before purchasing a heartwormer for your dog.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Nexgard Spectra | Your Dog's All-In-One Parasite Protection | DiscountPetCare

 Learn more about Nexgard Spectra, all-in-one parasite protection for your dogs. The most important parasites to protect your pet from are ticks, fleas, heartworm, and intestinal worms. Nexgard Spectra is an excellent parasite treatment for dogs, both internally and externally.