Thursday, August 26, 2021

6 Questions about Heartworm Disease that Every Pet Owner should Know

Heartworm is a parasitic worm that gets into the heart and vessels of the pet, thereby causing disturbances that can have deadly effects on the health of your fur baby. With every passing day, the disease leads to serious symptoms that can make the pet very weak, thus, resulting in very bad health.

6 Questions about Heartworm Disease that Every Pet Owner should Know

Although, it is possible to treat heartworm disease, it is an extremely painful procedure which is not only time-consuming, but also very expensive. Hence, veterinarians in our country recommend pet owners to administer heartworm preventative treatment to their pets on a regular basis, so that this deadly disease can be avoided at all costs. The preventive treatment is not that expensive in comparison to the ordeal that the pet needs to do bear while suffering from the procedure.

Let us now look at some of the questions that will aid you in getting conversant with this disease:

How Is Heartworm Spread? 

Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes that suck blood of the heartworm positive pet and then bites your pet. But the good news is that this disease does not spread when one pet intermingles with other pets. Hence, it is extremely critical to have all your pets on heartworm prevention to reduce the chances of spread of the disease.

Is It Possible For Other Species To Get Heartworm? 

Humans cannot get heartworms but dogs, cats, foxes, dingoes and ferrets easily pick up heartworm from mosquitoes. In case you own a kitty, a single heartworm can be extremely fatal.

How Do I Know If Your Pet Has Heartworm? 

If it has been more than three months since you have administered heartworm preventative treatment to your pet, get your pet tested for a heartworm test. It has been observed that dogs that are suffering from heartworm disease tend to cough and lose weight gradually. This only happens when the heart damage is irreversible.

How Common Is Heartworm In Our Country? 

A study was conducted in our country about shelter dogs in Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales. The results showed that there was a prevalence of 0-2.2% infection rate in this population of dogs. It was also found that warm weather, humidity and floods increased the chances of increase in mosquito population resulting in spread of heartworms. The heartworm infestation rates in dingoes, stray dogs and foxes are more than 2%. This goes to show that the pets in our country are not completely safe from heartworm disease.

Should I Administer Heartworm Preventive Treatments? 

A monthly treatment like Interceptor can protect your pet from heartworm infection. It is cost-effective and safe for pets and is recommended to be administered on a year round basis in our country. Remember, prevention is always a smarter option rather than treating the pet from the disease.

What Should I Do If My Pet Has Never Been On Heartworm Preventive? 

Take your fur baby to the veterinarian, and get him tested for heartworm. If your pet is infected with heartworm, then he will show an acute anaphylactic reaction to the treatment. Although, this is extremely rare, it is a cheap test, and if the heartworm is diagnosed at an early stage, the pet can be saved. If the results of the test are negative, you can commence the heartworm preventive treatment after consulting with your veterinarian.

So, if you own a pet, it becomes important to learn about this looming threat that can destabilise the life of your fur baby. If you see any of the signs of heartworm in your pet, rush to your veterinarian as soon as possible and start the diagnosis. Remember, an early detection of the disease can aid in recuperating your pet faster. Even if your pet is not suffering from this dreadful disease, commence the heartworm preventive treatment as recommended by your veterinarian and keep your furry companion safe and healthy for his entire lifespan.

Monday, August 23, 2021

How to Detect Heartworm Disease in Your Dog?

Most dogs are attacked by heartworm disease, which is a silent killer.  And still, there is a lack of awareness about the importance of heartworm preventives in pet owners. Most people take it for granted when it comes treating their dogs with preventive medications. Pet parents think that their pets would never fetch heartworms. Their furry pals would always be protected against the disease and won’t require any preventive measurements.

How to Detect Heartworm Disease in Your Dog?

However, in reality, pets are more vulnerable to heartworm disease due to their exposure to open fields consisting of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are the main carriers of this disease and can infect any dog they bite. Therefore, pets have to be given monthly preventions to guard against the deadly heartworm disease.

Well, before moving further, know the symptoms of heartworm disease. Keeping a check on these signs, you can be well aware of the disease and protect your pets from the risk of dangerous disease.

Major Heartworm Symptoms are:

Lethargy and Loss Of Energy When Exercising

Due to heartworm infection, your pet may seem lethargic and suddenly gets tired. Your Fido may not want to go outside or avoids all physical activity. Dogs with heartworm infection become weak and find it difficult to be active even when performing for small tasks.

A Soft, Dry Cough

The heartworm parasites gradually make their way to the lungs and start multiplying there as well as in the surrounding veins, which in long run choke up the vein passage. Due to that coughing occurs, which is most noticeable after a walk or exercise which slowly vanes away after some time ending with fanting.

Weight Loss Or Anorexia

Your dog may find it difficult to eat. Even the small activities become painful and exhaustive leading to weight loss.

Rapid Breathing Or Difficulty In Breathing

Besides, coughing a Fido finds it difficult in breathing. When the worms infect the lungs and take space in surrounding lungs, breathing problems occur. Fluid can also build around the blood vessels in the lungs, this situation makes it quite tough for the lungs to oxygenate the blood.

Allergic Reaction

Though allergic reactions are common in cats, dogs do show possible symptoms similar to an allergic reaction or asthmatic systems in response to the heartworm infection.


Large number of heartworms attack the heart and cause blockage of blood flow. And, due to this many times a dog collapses accompanied by a shock and red blood cell destruction. This can even be fatal at times.

Other possible symptoms of heartworm infection are:

  • Bleeding from the nose
  • Increased thirst due to kidney disease
  • Secondary pneumonia
  • Increase blood pleasure
  • Excessive sleeping
  • Seizures
  • Blindness
  • Lameness

Normally, lameness, blindness, seizure occur when heartworms get lost and end up in different parts of the body other than heart or lungs.

Knowing these signs, vets use different tools to detect the infection more accurately.


A wide range of tests are carried out for detecting the presence of heartworms as well as checking the abnormalities such as incomplete blood counts and evaluate the level of function of the internal organs.

Some tests are also carried out to analyze the health status of the internal organs. This is necessary in terms of evaluating to find out whether the dog is healthy or not to carry out the treatment.

Preventive Measures

Heartworm treatments take much toil on your dog. It is rather a long and painful process along with hospitalization of your pet for few days incurring lot of bills. To cut down on these expenses and to avoid painful procedures for your pets, it is better to put your dog on heartworm preventive program. A monthly treatment with heartworm preventives such as heartgard plus or comfortis plus can hugely reduce the chance of heartworm infection in your furry pal.

It is always a good idea to put your furry pal in heartworm control products rather than going for stressful treatments along with lot of vet bills. A dog free from heartworm infection is always healthy and active.

Discover Essential Nutrients For Your Pooch

Nutrients act as fuel for body. Living creatures have their nutritional demands and it should be fulfilled for their overall health including pets too. Lack of nutritive food makes them nutrient deficient and unhealthy.

Discover Essential Nutrients For Your Pooch

Dog’s body just needs basic four nutrients to keep their body in a good state. Let’s get acquainted with all those nutrients, which should be a part of your dog’s daily diet.

Nutrients Your Dog Requires

  • Water
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins & Minerals 


You need to always ensure that your dog takes in sufficient quantity of water. It is the most vital nutrient that every dog requires. Lack of water can lead to dehydration condition, urinary tract diseases like kidney stones, urinary tract infection and even organ failure. Water essentially helps to move nutrients into and out of the cells of the body. Therefore, water is the most important nutrient that your dog should be supplied with. 


Some of the superior protein sources for your dog are eggs, meat, meat by-products, corn and wheat. Dogs require proper amount of protein to maintain the optimal functioning of vital organs. Proteins helps in creating essential enzymes and hormones that are required for normal function. Proper supply of proteins provides energy and keeps the immune system strong.

Thus, we see that proteins are important for production of hormones and enzymes, renewal of cell and repairing of dead cells are important functions of proteins. Try to keep meat as the major part of their diet. 


Carbohydrates acts as source of energy and is quite important for your pet’s agility. Dogs are too fond of meat, but meat only provides proteins to the pet’s body. Carbohydrates not only provide bulk in dog diet but are also good source of metabolizable energy for dogs. Many commercial foods contains rich amount of carbohydrates.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essentially required for the proper functioning of all the organs. These nutrients keep your dog healthy and improve the quality of your pet’s life. They help maintain body processes, improve immunity and protect the body from environmental toxins, and break down the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats such that the body can utilize them for overall wellbeing. Some of the essential vitamins and minerals required for a healthy dog are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pantothenic Acid (B5), Pyroxidine (B6), Cyanocobalmin (B12), folic Acid, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, iodine, selenium, manganese and fluorine.

Apart from these nutrients, dogs also require proper amount of fats that supply energy to them. Moreover, fats also provide protection for internal organs and safeguard them. A deficiency of essential fatty acids (such as linoleic acid) can lead to skin conditions or restrict proper growth and development of a dog.

In a nutshell, all these nutrients are highly essential for the optimal health of your dog. Provide a balanced diet, rich in required vital nutrients to your dog and keep them happy and active.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Heartworms – A Serious Threat to Pets

Pet owners should never be reckless when it comes to security of their pet’s heart. A pet’s entire life is dependent on how their parents take care of them and do not risk it by letting a mosquito bite them.

Heartworms – A Serious Threat to Pets

A mosquito isn’t a menial parasite, it has great potential to cause harm to both humans and pets. Incidents amongst human involving mosquito bites are of course heard about. Dog-parents might be aware of a threatening condition named Heartworms. Heartworms is malignant health condition that is spread by a mosquito bite. It is generally found in dogs but can also be observed in cats in some cases. Mosquito transmits microfilaria larvae into the pet’s blood stream. As it enters the host’s body, the larvae takes at least 6 months to grow into adult heartworms. Mature adult heartworms can live up to 7 years in dog’s body. Heartworms inhabit themselves in the heart, lungs and blood vessels of the system.

These adult heartworms are treacherous parasites than chokes up different blood vessels of hearts and lungs. The clinical signs that your pet is infected by heartworms are:

  • Mild Cough
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • Easily Tired
  • Weigh Loss
  • Loss of Appetite

Sometimes, usually in the early stage of formation of larvae and mature worms, your dog might not show any spotting symptoms of the presence of the disease. So, it might be hard to detect heartworms. To overcome such circumstances, you must take your pet for an annual checkup to the veterinarian.

Once your dog has been infected with heartworm disease, it is quite difficult and expensive to recover his health. It is preferred to prevent such ailments rather than treating it afterwards. Dog owners must be motivated to provide their pets with the best preventative to keep heartworms aside. There are multiple forms of treatment available for pooches to protect them from this harmful disease.

Topical treatments like Advocate for dogs and oral treatments like Heartgard Plus, Nexgard Spectra chews, Milbemax tablets for Dogs etc. are a few known and recommended preventions you can and must take for the safety of your beloved pooch.

Keep in mind that you must start a prevention program of the above treatments only when your pooch has been detected negative for heartworm disease. This is due the reason that the preventives eliminates and restricts the growth of heartworm larvae that are about to grow into mature adult forms.

All dogs have only one heart and safety of that heart is in your hands.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bravecto for Dogs – A Powerful Flea and Tick Treatment

The saying, “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole,” is indeed true. Having a dog is like having a loyal and supportive companion for life. A dog will be there for you in every situation, without any demands or complains. Every second you spend with a dog is precious, and we are sure that every pet parent wants their furry friends to live a long and healthy life.

Bravecto for Dogs – A Powerful Flea and Tick Treatment

Parasites, such as fleas and ticks, are always on the lookout for dogs so they can latch onto them. After getting attached to the host (the dog), these fleas and ticks feed on their blood and spread infection – sometimes even life-threatening diseases such as Lyme disease. Thus, it’s vital to administer flea and tick preventives all year round to protect your four-legged pal from these nasty critters.

One of the top selling flea and tick preventive treatment is Bravecto. So, read on to find out about this product and its efficacy.

What is Bravecto for Dogs?

Bravecto is a highly effective flea and tick treatment for dogs. It is a flavoured chewable thus highly palatable and readily accepted by dogs. It is a vet’s first choice as the product stays effective for 3 full months. Moreover, this treatment is effective on fleas and paralysis ticks on dogs. In addition, this treatment prevents brown dog ticks and bush ticks as well. It also aids in controlling Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Bravecto is top recommended parasitic preventive treatment which works effectively and has no adverse effects.

What is the Efficacy Of Bravecto?

Bravecto is a potent treatment which starts eradicating fleas within only 8 hours and existing paralysis ticks within 24 hours of administration. Bravecto provides 3 month of protection from fleas and 4 months protection from paralysis ticks. In addition, it stays effective on brown dog ticks and bush ticks for 2 months. Thus, this is one of the best and long lasting flea and paralysis tick preventive treatments for dogs.

How Does It Work?

Bravecto consists of one active ingredient – Fluralaner. It is a quick action formula which protects the dog from external parasites. Right after the administration, the tablet gets into the system of the pet and starts eliminating the parasites. Bravecto chew provides long lasting protection from fleas and paralysis ticks and is safe to use on pregnant, breeding and lactating bitches. Bravecto can be used on puppies and dogs of 8 weeks of age and above, weighing over 2kg.

Salient Features of Bravecto:

  • Tasty flavoured chews for dogs
  • Long lasting protection for 3 months
  • Starts working on fleas within 8 hours of administration
  • Eliminates paralysis ticks within 24 hours
  • Has no side effects
  • Controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis
  • Prevents future infestation

How to administer Bravecto?

Below is the direction of use for Bravecto –

  • Weigh your dog prior to the commencement of the treatment.
  • The tablet can be mixed with the food.
  • Or you may administer it directly into the mouth.
  • Check the product label for dosage instructions.

Precautions and Safety Warnings

Precaution – The safety of Bravecto is not evaluated on puppies less than 8 weeks of age. Moreover, this product does not treat lone star weeks after 8 weeks of dosing.

Warning – Adverse reaction on dogs is seen in rare cases. If your dog has a history of seizures, ataxia or muscle tremors, consult your veterinarian before starting the treatment. Visit your vet immediately if you observe any of these symptoms – diarrhoea, loss of appetite, flatulence, or polydipsia.

Bravecto For Dogs | A Powerful Flea and Tick Treatment | DiscountPetCare

 Read more information about bravecto, a powerful flea and tick treatment for dogs. Bravecto is a highly effective flea and tick treatment for dogs. It is a vet’s first choice as the product stays effective for 3 full months.

Bravecto For Dogs | A Powerful Flea and Tick Treatment | DiscountPetCare

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Is Your Dog Really Safe From Fleas In Winter?

Yes, we are aware of the fact that parasites cannot live long in colder regions.

But are you also aware of the reality that they instantly get active if they have even one day that is warmer than the previous day?

Is Your Dog Really Safe From Fleas In Winter?

So, knowing both the facts, would you still risk your pet’s life just because you think that winters are tick and flea-free season?

If you are thinking to rule out the need for flea & tick protection during winter for your canine, we strongly recommend a big ”NO”.

As no season comes without fleas and ticks, and there are no colder regions where you cannot find warmer areas like animal dens, barns, basements, all such places are the favorite sit-outs of the fleas.

The interesting thing about fleas is they can even survive in temperatures as low as 33F for at least 5 days (120+ hours) which is a great time for them to infest and infect. Only one flea is enough to cause flea infestation.

You cannot deny the fact that after any major rainy day the flea spread is at its peak. Knowingly all the facts and actively living all the experiences, we can never risk our dogs’ health, even for one colder month. Though, in winters the chances of getting flea infestation is less but it is not that it is 100% flea-free season.

We care for pets as much as you do, and we understand what it takes to always keep them medicated time-to-time. Our little lovelies need protection from flea and tick all around the year. And we have understood the concern of the pet owners regarding the cost associated with medications. But, we have got a list of effective products ready for your pet at very affordable prices.

We have various spot-on treatments, collars, oral tablets, and even sprinkle spray to choose from depending upon your interest and ease of application at amazing discounted rates at 

Here are some of the best-sellers to protect and treat your dog throughout the year.

  • Nexgard Spectra – Chewables: These are available for all age groups of dogs and also for dogs up to 130lbs. Also, you can choose from two different packs of 3 or 6 tablets each. (These are available for all age groups of dogs for up to 130lbs weight size. You can choose from two different packs of 3 or 6 tablets each.
  • Frontline Plus – Spot on: When it comes to flea and tick protection, Frontline Plus has been one of the first choices of many dog owners for a long time.
  • Frontline Spray: We have two quantities to choose from – 100ml to carry with you if you are traveling to places for longer or 250ml to keep safe in your wardrobe until next time.
  • Seresto Tick and flea control: This flea & tick collar provides long-term protection.) It can be used for a minimum of 4 months to protect from ticks and a maximum of 8 months to protect from flea.

It is not just about winters but also about the times when you visit a new place with your dog; the chances of flea and tick increases as you don’t know how your dog has been affected.

Monday, August 16, 2021

In How Many Ways – A Paleo Lifestyle Is Good For Your Pet

What Is A Paleo Lifestyle For Dogs?

The Paleo lifestyle for dogs involves training and exercising. This lifestyle involves avoiding unnecessary and inappropriate vaccinations and medications, protection against environmental toxins, and perhaps most important of all, reducing stress. Canines are known as natural athletes, so they need to express their athleticism daily. The dogs need to work on their every muscle by jumping, running and sprinting on a regular basis.

In How Many Ways – A Paleo Lifestyle Is Good For Your Pet

How Paleo Diet Is Useful For Your Pet?

The owners who feed their animals raw diet believe that it enhances immune function, improves skin and coat condition. It develops overall health and vitality and alleviates chronic digestive issues etc. The transition from ancestral diet of animals to the present commercial diet has lead to raising a number of diseases in them such as skin issues, diabetes, pet allergies, arthritis, anxiety, cancer and obesity. Taking your pet to a vet that shows helps know what feed your pets, in a way that best suits their needs.

Why Feed Your Dog A Paleo Diet?

There are veterinarians who are against the diet which is home made for your pet. The vets say that the pets become sick because of the improper homemade diet. Feeding your pet with only raw and meaty bones can cause a serious health problem in your dog as a substitute. You can feed your dog with raw meat but they must also receive supplements that provide all the nutrients, including vitamins, healthy fats, enzymes, amino acid, calcium and other mineral and nutrients. The benefits you get, if you follow a paleo diet in a right way are:

Prevention Of Periodontal Diseases:

The dog fed by the raw meaty bones which are grounded into a proper size for your dog can work like a natural toothbrush; scraping, massaging, scrubbing and even flossing the teeth. The paleo dog diet will reduce the plaque deposits.

Helps In Good Digestion:

As you serve food to the dog he starts eating with the help of his jaws and teeth on the raw meat. As the food is raw, he takes time to eat. In this process, more gastric juices are secreted; so the food will be digested properly.

Improves Skin And Coat Health:

As your pet starts consuming a good diet, you will find a difference in his skin. You will find shinier, healthier skin and coat. The canine will start healing from his hot spots and get free from the bad odor and even stops dandruff production.

Easily Fight With Allergies:

The dry food which we give to canines is preheated at high temperature and because of this process the proteins get distorts and more likely to produce allergies or intolerances in your dog. Raw meat becomes the normal protein as it is more digestible, which is better tolerated by pet’s immune systems. This helps him to fight against the allergies easily.

Canines should eat a diet which is high in fats and proteins and very low in carbohydrates. Give your best to set up and maintain a constant routine at home. Do some activities with them so that they feel less stressed. Spend quality time with your pets for balancing their mental, physical and emotional health.

Read More about Canine Dry Food:

Friday, August 13, 2021

Fun Ways To Spend Lockdown With Your Dog

Our entire lives have turned upside down with this coronavirus outbreak. We’re living in these unprecedented times where staying home is the new normal. No one leaves their house without wearing masks and social distancing has become a part of our lives. Amidst all the chaos, our pets fail to understand why we’re not taking them out for a walk. Why, now all of sudden, their pet parents are always at home. Well, it can be exhausting for pet parents, but you can utilize this time to bond with your pet and indulge in some fun activities.

Fun Ways To Spend Lockdown With Your Dog

So, find below some fun ways you can keep your furry buddy entertained while quarantining!

House Treasure(Treat) Hunt!

Who said quarantine can’t be fun? Well, make this lockdown period fun by organizing a treasure hunt for your pooch! Hide some of his favourite toys and treats and let him sniff it out! It will keep your furry buddy occupied and also provide physical and mental stimulation.

Picnic In The Backyard

If you have a backyard, the best thing to do is utilize that space and have a fun picnic day. Prepare a delicious lunch basket for you and your pet, get some outdoor toys, and head out in your backyard for a fun and memorable day! You can chill out, play games, read to your dog, eat and have great day together! Lastly, don’t forget to take some pictures to share with your friends.

Interactive Toys

We all know how stressful it is to manage office work and household chores. And sometimes, it can get stressful when you have work load and a demanding pet. During these times, you can put interactive toys to good use. There are many puzzle toys available, which requires your dog’s full focus and rewards him with treat upon solving the puzzle. So, this way, you can finish your work without any disturbance and your pet can have a good time as well.

Pamper Your Furry Pal

Even your furry buddy needs a good pampering session in this lockdown. Since you can’t take him to a groomer, prepare a luxurious bath with pet friendly products so your doggo can just relax. Give him a good bath, groom his hair, and cut his nails so he can feel his old self again!

Train The Dog

If you’ve got a new pupper in the house, you’ve got plenty of time to train him. Create a schedule for training your dog and adhere to it. Begin by teaching him basic commands and improve gradually.

We are all having a tough time trying to adjust to this new lifestyle, but we must look at the bright side and tackle this with a positive mindset. Besides, don’t forget to administer flea and tick preventatives to your buddy as it will keep him protected from fleas and keep him in good health.

Considering Raw Food For Your Pet | DiscountPetCare

Do you want to get the in-depth information about considering raw food for your pet. Raw food is better than commercial processed food because key nutrients are reduced in processed food after going through the cooking process.

Considering Raw Food For Your Pet | DiscountPetCare

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A Veterinary Diet Food to Protect Your Dog’s Joints

Is your pet struggling hard to get up on their leg after sitting or lying down for a long time? Or facing problem to move freely? Then this an indication that your pet has some problem in their joints. Following points need to be taken seriously.

A Veterinary Diet Food to Protect Your Dog’s Joints

  • Overweight can be a reason of your pet’s joints problem.
  • Overweight does not only affect the joints but it can create a trouble for overall health of your pet.

How to reduce your pet weight?

To see your pets joyfully running, jumping and freely roam around, you have to maintain a schedule for your pet.

  • If your pet has obesity problem then a regular walk is advisable. Not a long walk but a small walk of around 1km regularly.
  • Promoting regular exercise is also helpful for weight loss.

Intake of food

Food varies depending on the age of the pets. Feeding sufficient amount of food plays a vital role for your pet’s health. Adequate nutrients are required to keep your pet’s joints and health in good condition. A balanced and appropriate diet from the early age of your pet will keep your pet healthy and fit.

If after taking all the precaution you are not able to see any improvement in your pet’s joints then you must visit your vet as it can be a major problem. Your vet will ask you about the food you are giving to your pet as mostly joints problems occur because of the deficiency of glucosamine and chondroitin in their food. According to most of the vet glucosamine and chondroitin helps to keep the joints working condition.

There are varied products available in market containing glucosamine and chondroitin but if you are a dog parents then you can try “Paw Osteocare Chew” for your dog. It is enriched with glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate which provide cartilage nutrition required for joint’s health and if you are a cat parents then you can try “Joint Guard for cats” it also includes both glucosamine and chondroitin.

Above both the products are widely used by pet parents and they have also appreciated the products.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

National Pet Dental Health Month:

Did you know that most pet parents neglect dental care as an important part of their pet’s grooming? This might be probably because brushing your canine or feline companion’s teeth can be quite a task. However, neglecting your pet’s oral hygiene can lead to serious oral diseases that could, if left untreated, deplete your pet’s quality of life.

National Pet Dental Health Month:

Celebrated every August, “National Pet Dental Care Month” aims to remind us of the importance of dental care for the overall health and well-being of your pet. It was first initiated by the Australian Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS) as a celebration of bright smiles.

As National Pet Dental Care Month is the perfect time to spread awareness about dental hygiene among pet parents, we want to give you tips on how to take the best care of your pet’s dental health to support the cause.

Signs of Dental Issues:

Since our furry companions can’t complain about any underlying health issues, there is a fair chance that the issue will worsen if left unattended. Therefore, always keep a close eye on your pet’s oral health as some signs are obvious indicators of dental problems. Here are some warning signs to watch out for:

  • Stinky Breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Red/Swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tartar build-up
  • Stained teeth
  • Inability to teeth

Any such symptoms of dental issues may indicate periodontal diseases, which, if left untreated, may also lead to serious problems like kidney failure, heart issues, liver problems, etc. If your pet shows any of the above symptoms, book an appointment with your vet right away as it is very important to treat them. You can also schedule annual dental checks to figure out any developing periodontal diseases as they can be treated easily if identified timely at an initial stage.

How to take care of your pet’s dental health?

Brush your pet’s teeth regularly

Since our pets chew up everything that is found here and there, it is important to brush their teeth regularly to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. Unhealthy gums can have deteriorating effects on their oral health and can affect their overall health as well. Therefore, make sure to brush their teeth at least once a week with a good quality toothpaste like Dentipet or Petosan to prevent such problems.

Check your pet’s breath

Your cat or dog’s breath can tell a lot about their dental health. Dogs generally have foul breath, but when it becomes unbearably strong, something is problematic and it may indicate a tartar buildup or any other bacterial infection. So, keep a check of your pet’s breath once in a while when you are playing with them.

Raw bones & good diet

Raw bones are highly beneficial in removing tartar build up and in removing left-out food debris from the mouth. They also make a good exercise for facial bones and gums, plus raw bones have high calcium content, which is good for your pet’s teeth. Other than that, several fruits and vegetables are also good for your pet’s dental health, so make sure you include a lot of them in your pet’s diet.

Dental treats

Treating your pets with dental treats is one of the best and the most effortless way of taking care of your pet’s oral hygiene. Dental treats are available in the market in form of chews and sticks. It not only cleans your pet’s teeth but also reduces the risk of tartar formation. You can check out Prozym Dental Sticks as they are one of the best dental treats available in the market.

Taking care of these little things will not only keep your dog’s teeth sparkling, but will also prevent these infections from traveling into your dog’s system. So, adopt these practices as a part of your pet’s daily routine and you’ll never have to worry about their dental health again! Visit to get the best dental care and pet care essentials at the lowest prices!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Heartworm Disease is Fatal for Pet: How to Deal with It?

Is your pet protected by monthly heartworm preventive treatments? If NO, then he/she has a high risk of getting infected with heartworms. This is potentially fatal infection condition that leads your dog or cat having severe lung disease, heart failure, organ damage, and other serious problems. This makes our pets life miserable. This is why it is important to know about effective treatments for heartworms to maintain the quality of your best companion’s life.

Heartworm Disease is Fatal for Pet: How to Deal with It?

A heartworm infection can affect both dogs and cats, but this disease differs in each species. Because, the heartworms in cat do not survive to the maturity stage; while the dog is a natural host for heartworms where the heartworms live inside the dog mature into adults and produce off spring.

Usually, a dog has several worms in their bodies; a cat has just one or three worms. It may be looking good side for cat, but it actually makes heartworm disease complicated to diagnose in cats, and lead to heartworm associated respiratory disease. Well, here it is important to know the effective treatment and means of prevention to keep your pet safe.

Let’s take a glimpse on heartworm treatments: 

While there are some powerful treatments available today that kills the adult heartworms in a dog, there is no any treatment available for a complete cure of feline heartworm disease. But with supportive care and using monthly preventive heartworm medication, you can help your cat in preventing weight loss and blood clots as well as reducing the serious damage of organs like heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. In case of a cat, the prevention is just an option. If you have cat infested with heartworm, then you can start monthly heartworm prevention like Revolution for her.

For dog, there are many products available for heartworm prevention. But, choose one best option according to your pet’s lifestyle and safety manner. The most convenient method of protection is once a year heartworm injection that kills adult heartworms. In addition, you can use monthly heartworm preventatives and treatments including spot on treatments like Advocate and Revolution or tasty chews like Nexgard Spectra, Comfortis plus, and Interceptor Spectrum. Some monthly heartworm treatments also provide protection against some parasite such as fleas and ticks.

If your dog has heartworms for a long time, it might be complicated for him. There are chances to leadsome serious problems or may require to hospitalize him for better treatment. In rare cases of heartworms, dog may need surgical treatment to remove the worms from the heart and vessels within the lungs.

But, the best treatment for your pet is prevention. So, be cautious and invest in safe, easy to use and effective preventive medications to protect your pet from this dangerous disease.

Pets are precious. They lengthen our life span. Hence, when it comes to the life of our furry companion, let’s we make a promise to give them quality life in return with the best treatments.

Dog Ear Infections | Treatment, Causes and Prevention | DiscountPetCare

Learn thoroughly about dog ear infections: treatment, causes & prevention. Ear infections in dogs are frequent and almost all canines will have this painful ailment at some point in their lives. Ear infections in dogs are frequent and almost all canines will have this painful ailment at some point in their lives.

Dog Ear Infections | Treatment, Causes and Prevention | DiscountPetCare

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Significance of Including Essential Oils in the Canine Diet

Just like human beings even dogs may fail to get all the necessary nutrients after eating their regular diet. The dog food comes packed with lots of essential nutrients, but you can also Supplement your pooch’s dietary regimen with certain healthy oils containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids to promote optimum health.

The Significance of Including Essential Oils in the Canine Diet

You can add the oil to your doggy’s food bowl, which is an excellent and healthful addition. You can follow a schedule to rotate the oils to sweeten your dog’s food bowl, by switching from coconut oil to fish oil on weekly basis or in any other periodic way. These oils can do many benefits internally and externally for your pup. Let us continue to read the blog to know the assistance of oils:

Coconut consists of more than 90% saturated fats, with traces of few unsaturated fatty acids, such as mono-unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most of the saturated fats in coconut oil are Medium Chain Triglyceride’s (MCTs). Majority of coconut oil benefits come from the MCTs. For example, the lauric acid in coconut oil has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fugal properties. Capric and caprylic acid have similar properties and are best known for their anti-fugal effects.

You can start giving coconut oil to your dog as it is good for him and he will love it. Here are some of the coconut oil benefits as follows:

  • Promotes healthy skin
  • Promotes shiny, lovely smelling coats – extend the time between baths
  • Solves all the gut issues, by supporting a healthy digestive system
  • Freshens breath- you can use some coconut while brushing your dog’s teeth
  • Supports healthy joints and ligaments
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Helps to heal the disinfects cuts – you can use it on scrapes and abrasions

Fatty acids can be derived from plants and animals. The fatty acids derived from plants sources contains a short form of fatty acids that is ALA, which needs to be converted to EPA before being absorbed into the dog’s system. This may be difficult for him as he ages. Another fatty acid which is derived from the animal sources has a long chain form of fatty acids, EPA, and DHA. These are easier for the doggy to absorb into his system. Fish oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA).

You can add fish oil to your pooch’s food as it is also good for health. Here are some of the benefits of fish oil for your pup:

  • Assists in joint and ligament health; act as an anti-inflammatory
  • Eases allergy symptoms
  • Boosts digestive health
  • Reduces shedding and produces healthy skin and shiny coat

Nowadays even vets and researchers are recommending the regular use of coconut and fish oil for dogs. It has become as an excellent source of nutrients, which keeps your furry pal in good health. That’s great if you are planning to add the oils to your pooch’s food bowl, but make sure you take the advice from your veterinarian about the quantity of essential oils to be added in your doggy’s diet.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Easy Ways to Relive Your Dog’s Anxiety and Stress

It’s not surprising for pet-parents to see their pup getting anxious. Anxiety is common in humans as well as dogs and that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Some emotional wellness issues like uneasiness or wretchedness hit you out of the blue. Try to recognize what triggers it. On the off chance that your furry pal looks terrified or on edge, see what caused him to respond in such a manner. It could be a more abnormal that appears to be scaring or the absence of essence of the canine’s preferred individual. Furthermore, there are various purposes for what causes nervousness and stress in dogs, and today we will examine some significant causes in detail.

Easy Ways to Relive Your Dog’s Anxiety and Stress

It’s critical to help your pup to escape such a dim and torturing spot. So, let’s take a look at the reasons and types of situation that causes anxiety in dogs.

Symptoms of Anxiety In Dogs

Symptoms of all kinds of anxiety are somewhat interlinked and similar. Below are the symptoms you need to be on a lookout for if you suspect your dog has anxiety.

  • Destructive or aggressive behaviour like ripping off or shredding furniture and curtains.
  • Restlessness behaviour.
  • Loud and excessive barking/howling.
  • Pooping or peeing in the house.
  • Digging, scratching, licking or some kind of compulsive behaviour

Ways To Ease Your Dog’s Anxiety


Exercising works as a great stress-buster even for pets. Exercise helps with a couple of issues when managing a dog dealing with anxiety. It stimulates the production of serotonin which is a chemical that we humans also experience that makes us feel good when we exercise and the same happens to pet when they exercise. Moreover, it gets rid of pent-up aggression and energy that can build up anxiety in dogs.

2.Play some music

It’s not just we humans who can be calmed with the soothing music, it can also help dogs to calm their anxiety issues. Many pet-parents leave a television or radio on when they leave the house to help a dog feel comforted. But there is also specialized music that one can play to help particularly anxious dogs. Through a Dog’s Ear is a selection of music specifically aimed at calming nervous dogs.

3.Massage Your Pet

Anecdotally, physical touch is thought to help ease anxiety in dogs. Even a gentle petting can help them stay calmer during stressful situations. Dogs massage can benefit pets through deep touch pressure, which releases chemicals in the brain that’s equal to getting a war hug. Massaging your dog slowly can be very much beneficial for anxiety related problems and can greatly improve the dog’s lifestyle by keeping them at ease.

4.Try Thundershirt

Thundershirt Grey for dogs is the best calming solution to treat most of your dog fear and anxiety issues. Just putting a Thundershirt on your dog, you can relieve them from most stressful symptoms. With gentle, constant pressure, Thundershirt helps to calm dogs from all types of anxiety, fear and over-excitement issues. With over 80% success rate, this drug free product is safe to use on pets. It is highly beneficial during vet visits, travelling, grooming, training, parties, and celebrations.

Use Products That Keeps Anxiety At Bay

You can also use products such as Adaptil Spray for dogs which is is a specially formulated product with appeasing hormone for relieving stress in dogs. Application of this spray in challenging situations like travel, separation, vet visits, fireworks, and thunderstorm calms the pet down immediately. There’s also Adaptil Calm Home Diffuser that makes dogs feel more confident, more relaxed during challenging situations like loud noises, staying home alone, and fears, training, and during travelling. Select the one that best suits your pup.

If the strategies above don’t relieve your dog’s anxiety, it may be worth to immediately take your dog to the vet to get the proper solution. Lastly, ensure to always love your dog enough to never let him feel lonely or stressful. Your love, care, hugs and cuddles can be much more than any other cure.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Dog Worms – 10 Most Common Signs of Worms Not to Ignore

Dogs move around everywhere and it is likely that they can pick up worms easily. Next to flea and tick infestation, worm infection is the most common in pets. But hardly, the pet parents are able to find out that their furry pals are been infected with worms. The different types of worms that infect dogs are tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and heartworms.

Dog Worms – 10 Most Common Signs of Worms Not to Ignore

Some worm infection is easy to find with early signs showing up whereas for some it is really quite difficult to surface out as they show the symptoms mostly in the last stage. In pet worm infection, tapeworms are easy to find as your pooch will show up rice grain like structures in the stool whereas a canine infected with heartworm is too hard to identify.

Let us learn about some of the major symptoms of worm infection in dogs that can help you take the necessary steps at the earlier stage only to detect and provide the right treatment.


This is the most common sign that shows that your dog is infected with worms. Dogs with worms usually throw up. Sometimes, roundworms are seen in the vomit of your dog if he is infected with roundworm.


Apart from vomiting, dogs with worms usually suffer from frequent diarrhea. Soft stools can be the result of these worms. Added to diarrhea, dogs being infected with hookworms normally may have blood in their stool.

Pot Bellied Appearance

Belly of dogs appear to be swollen due to worms. You will find that your dog starts to have bellied pot or bloated. This is quite common in puppies as they pick up the worms from their mothers.

Weight Loss

Sudden weight loss of your pooch is a signal of worm infection. They may be infected with tapeworm or whipworm.


Coughing is the advanced stage symptom when a canine is being infected with heartworm. Other than heartworm, coughing appears during hookworm or roundworm infection.

Change in Appetite

Has your pooch started eating more food suddenly or is he missing his normal meals? A sudden change in dog’s appetite directs about a worm infection. Dogs infected with roundworms normally lose their appetite. A dog with worms may also show a huge appetite as the worms steal away dog’s nutrients.

Dull Coat

Shiny and radiant coat is a sign of healthy dog. When infected with worms, dog coat appears to be dull and dry. Sometimes, loss of hair or the appearance of rashes can signal to worm infection in dogs.


With worms taking away most of the nutrients, dogs seem to show low energy. They become less active and lethargic.

Itching and Signs of Irritation

Dogs with severe worm infestations show signs of itching and irritation. They scratch so hard that sometimes they even hurt themselves.

Worms in Feces

Dogs with tapeworm infections may show worms in their feces. Tapeworms may appear as small moving segments in the fur or area around dog’s anus. Moreover, roundworms can also be seen in the stool of your dog if infected.

When these worms are left untreated, they can severely damage the internal parts of a canine and can even lead to unconsciousness and the worst – to death. Suspecting worms in your dog, you need to take action immediately. Take your furry pal to your vet or treat them with deworming medications such as drontal, endogard, cazitel or milbemax. Most of the worms are easy to treat with these products and your vet may even recommend to continue the treatment for the preventive measures.

However, treating heartworm is quite difficult if your dog has been diagnosed with this infection. The best way to keep this infection at bay is following preventive regim. It is good to contact your vet to get detailed information about heartworm control program.