Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dazzling Ways To Get Along, Your Dog And Holiday Guests

When we know that guest are arriving to spend their holidays, we all get excited and start preparing for ourselves and the needs for the guest. But, don't forget your pet, you need to prepare him too. It can be joyful, but also stressful to your pet's. So with some advance planning and by training, you can make things more fun for your furry pal and less stressful for you. Here are some of the things, you need to keep in your mind to help enjoy the holidays along with your pet's too.

·         Dogs can get very sensitive with the changes in their routine and environments. When family members take time off from work and school, house guests come to stay, or other visitors roll through the home in droves, you need to try to preserve a few of your dog's routines, such as regular meal schedules and walks, exercise or play sessions.

·         Take your dog for a walk or let him play for 30 minutes, as this will make him more relaxed and calm, when guests are in  your home. You need to exercise him prior to their arrivals. Don’t allow your dog to greet unfamiliar guests; this just causes more stress for everyone, including your pooch.

·         Teach your furry pal to sit and stay; when the doorbell rings, put him in a sit-stay and do not open the door until he calms down. Practice this beforehand using friends and family members. Consider putting your dog on a leash, as visitors arrive, so that you can keep better control of him.

·         If there's considerably more activity than usual, plan some quiet times for your dog as well and then let him join you later to enjoy. The added stress and excitement of holiday festivities can increase your dog's thirst too, so make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water to drink.

·         Make sure your dog wears his ID tags at all times and consider having him micro-chipped. In case, he slipped out the door with all the guest coming in and out of your home.

The above ways will surely, help you to enjoy the holidays with your guests and as well as with your pet's too.

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