Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Powerful Methods for Fleas & Ticks That Really Work!

The whole thing of copping with fleas and ticks makes your furry companion anemic. No doubt: both are tiny creatures that feed on your pet’s blood and cause miserable and more serious health problems.

But, today there are many methods available that effectively combat the flea and tick problem and make your pet’s surroundings hostile for these tiny parasites. Here are some safe and practical flea and ticks prevention methods to recommend:

·         Medications: The first thing to keep flea and tick off your pet is to use a right flea and tick preventions medications. There is a wide range of pet medications, specifically formulated to prevent these harmful blood-sucking parasites happening in the first place. Even some eliminate the flea or tick when it bites. Nowadays, most of vet recommends once-a-month topical medications such as Frontline and Advantage or oral medications like Capstar, Bravecto. All these medications are easy to use and safe for both pets, humans.

·         Shampoos: While there are many flea and ticks specific shampoos available on the market, always make a wise choice of ordinary one. The pet shampoos are specially medicated with prime ingredients that help wash away adult fleas and their eggs for a short period of time. During shampoo your pet; be sure you keep it on the skin and coat for few minutes before rinsing thoroughly. 

·         Dips: This is one kind of chemical formula that needs to be mixed with tepid water. To administer a dip, you have to dip your pet into the dip mixed water or use a sponge or spray to thoroughly cover the entire body.  Always go for pyrethrins contained dip that effective in treating fleas and ticks. It can be safe and effective if you administer proper dosage in right way.

·         Preventative Collar: Pet owner can also use medicated flea and tick preventative collars as effective method. It works quickly to repel fleas and sometimes ticks from your pet within few hours of administration. Usually, the collar contains pyrethrin, even some also contain insect growth regulators.

·         Balanced Diet: Just like human, pet also requires a balanced healthy diet to be healthy and fit. Remember, unhealthy coats and skin of your pet can create perfect environment for fleas and ticks to feed and breed. So, it is advised to your pet a balanced, species-appropriate fresh-food diet that keeps your pet healthy. And if your pet is healthy, no any chance to attract any annoying pests on him.  This way you can maintain pet’s immune system optimally.

·         House Cleaning: Fleas and ticks can also live in carpets, cushioned furniture, cracks and crevices on floors. So, be cautious. Here, it is more ideal to vacuum your entire home regularly and thoroughly. Even clean your car, too. It helps to decrease the chances for fleas and ticks to stay long enough to lay eggs and reproduce.

·         Pest Control Treatments: Use safe-on-pets sprays or foggers to make your pet’s surroundings hostile to annoying parasites. Before use, always read and follow all instructions carefully as safety manner especially if you have children at home.

·         Inside Time: Ticks, fleas pose danger to outdoor pets. So it is better to avoid your pet outdoors for hours at a time specifically in mid-summer. This is your duty as pet parents to protect your pet from any harmful thing that might happen if he gets outdoors.

With the effective prevention methods described above, you can provide your loved ones healthy life. Yes, it requires some work but your efforts and cares surely worth to keep your pet free of bothersome fleas and ticks.

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