Thursday, January 24, 2019

Common Cat Allergies and Their Symtpoms

Allergies are the most hideous things that have the valor to give us nightmares. Well, our furry kitties are not secure from this unavoidable menace either. They too fall sick with that unwanted element in the environment that challenges their immunity. It is more of a problem because they cannot speak but you can, of course, look for signs so it can be addressed on time. Though cat’s body does try to combat with the allergens, the symptoms that ensue are annoying and often painful which is why it is imperative for you to apprise yourself of the most common allergies that cats have to suffer from and the symptoms that they exhibit.

Common Cat Allergies and Their Symptoms

Flea Allergy
Fleas are pestering. They bite, suck blood, sometimes transmit tapeworms and their infected saliva can even cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) which is a skin condition that causes rashes that itch badly. A cat infested with fleas can often be seen scratching or licking his neck, thighs, flanks, belly, and tail. Though fleas generally multiply in summers, there is no particular season when they are not present. Their juvenile forms can be present in the environment and in your surroundings even in winters or fall.  The only way to manage this infestation and the allergy that is caused thereafter is to use flea treatments and monthly preventatives that give long-term protection against their complete life-forms. 

Food Allergy

We all are very well versed with food allergies but do you know these can happen to our Toms and kitties as well. Foods that contain ingredients which do not comply with the body’s eco can cause itchiness of skin, vomiting, diarrhoea and acidity. And it can occur despite any age or weight of the cat. A cat can develop an allergy of a certain food even if he has been eating it over the years or due to a sudden change of diet. To determine whether they have a food allergy, you may have to feed one particular food and test for any adverse effects like itching or vomiting etc or else feed novel ingredient food and water for 6-8 weeks. If the symptoms subside, your cat has a food allergy. Once you have substantial facts, a hypo allergic diet can be taken into account or better if you consult the vet for a more informed decision.

Molds, Dust and Mites Allergy

Probably your couch is doing no good to your beloved kitty as that dust may be the reason for your kitties incessant sneezing and itching.  Dust can irritate cats’ skin and cause rashes. So is the case with molds and mites, as they are also a big problem in gloomy, filthy environment and can raise health concerns if not treated on time. Seek for symptoms like itchy, runny eyes, coughing, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea.

The only way to avoid these allergies, therefore, is to keep the surroundings clean and dust free. Vacuuming the house regularly can help a lot in removing these allergens from your household. Also, consider using antimicrobial sprays that will remove and prevent the molds from developing in your walls or furniture. If at all your cat is already infested with mites, use Revolution to your rescue. It can eliminate all the mites on your cat within a couple of hours. However, it is still the best practice to keep the house spick and span so the cat doesn’t have to deal with the much evitable allergens in the first place.

Perfume Allergy

Probably you like the fragrance of your cat’s shampoo or your favorite cleaner, but watch out. Some fragrances in the cleaning products or sprays could be making your cat sick. Just like we can’t tolerate certain smell or fragrances at times, neither do our kitties as well. Strong fragrances can actually lead to asthma in your cat, besides the regular sneezing and coughing. Therefore, you must strictly consider using odorless cleaners and products if you own a cat.

Drug Allergy  

Though drug allergies are rare in cats, some health products can have ingredients that may cause vomiting, fever or hair loss in your cats. In some severe cases, a cat may even experience anaphylaxis, seizures or death. Thus, one must be super alert while choosing any product that must be fed or applied to the cat. Make it a practice to read the label of the product thoroughly so you can avoid products that have ingredients which can induce an allergic reaction.
Even if you have complete knowledge about these allergies, do not procrastinate vet visits or steps you need to follow to avoid them as it’s your bundle of fur whose life is at stake here. Be vigilant and act timely to avoid repercussions.  

For more information check the website

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why Dogs Get Aggressive And How To Stop Them?

You find yourself playing with your dog and at the very moment, he bites your hand. Or,
As your kids pass by that neighbourhood dog, he greets him with a snarl?
Has that ever happened to you? If yes, did it ever occur to you why he behaved that way?
Well, if you have come across such situations, you may not need to rebuke the dog for portraying such behaviour. Instead, you must rather understand the root of the problem. Probably it’s a consequential behaviour of a deep-seated fear or simply a defensive reaction against a situation he feels is threatening or risky. Thus if your dog growls at you, it is better to first figure out what kind of aggression he is dealing with. Yes, there are various types of aggression a dog may go through and thus it is the foremost step to solve the issue with your dog.

Types of Aggression in Dogs

Fear Aggression: A dog’s aggression can stem from his perception towards a situation. Sometimes these threats may be real or at times imagined by his insecure mind. He may snap back at you even when you are simply trying to pat him or hold him. The nearing act may insinuate him of a threat.

Territorial Aggression: Dogs love their space and hence may try to defend their territory by mere display of aggression to ward off any intruders he may not be comfortable with.

Possessive Aggression: This resource guarding act might seem to you as completely useless but dogs are possessive about their belongings. They may growl or even bite a person or another animal if he tries to snatch things away from him.

Predatory Aggression: Dogs may exhibit predatory behaviour when they see other animals. It is inherent but must be addressed.

Frustration-Aggression: Dogs that are prevented or forced to do something which they won’t otherwise, it may cause frustration in dogs and they may retort in an aggressive way.

Social Aggression: It stems from their motive of achieving the ownership of a territory or a spot. When there are two or more dogs in the house, they fight for the leadership of the place they like to hang around.

Redirected Aggression: Certain actions or situations can stimulate aggression in dogs like a doorbell or when he sees other dogs in the house.

Inherited Aggression: Aggression is in the genes of some dogs.

How To Stop A Dog From Getting Aggressive?
A passive, aggressive dog can be handled by his owners by following some guidelines, however, if the dog is completely aggressive and growls, snarls or tends to bite strangers, professional intervention is mandatory.  There are certain ways you can handle your dog but make sure you will have to make up your mind to be extra patient with your dog.

Refrain From Punishing Your Dog
Punishment for showing aggression can aggravate the situation and may rather backfire instead of calming your dog down. Therefore, never yell or hit your dog if he growls or snarls at you or the kids because the next time he is caught in the same circumstances, he may just bite rather than giving warnings.

Avoid Getting Over-Excited With Your Dog
 Dogs emulate their companion’s behaviour and if he is a kind who gets uncontrollable in such playful situation, you must keep your demeanour calm and composed even if you are elated to see your dog. Ignore him completely if he barks on seeing you. Also, praise him if he tones down and sits on the ground.

Teach Him Desirable Behaviour
Reinforce good behaviour in your dog by making him practice appropriate behaviour rules through commands. Teach him to stop when he gears himself to attack someone, teach him to move away or sit if he tends to follow someone. Opt for some new activities that can turn him into a calmer animal. Take professional help to find out what you can do.

Put Him In A Good Company
Keep your dog in the company of more socialized dogs that follow good etiquettes in a public setting. A civilized company will teach him how to stay still in an unlikely situation.

Take Your Vet’s Advice
For some parents no matter what they do, their dog doesn’t seem to settle down. He is always on his edge and becomes aggressive with trivial things. Such dogs may have a predisposition to turn out so because of their genes. However, if your dog has gotten aggressive recently without any reason, he might be suffering from some medical condition. If you observe rapid changes in his mood, you need to seek vet help as he might be suffering from a trauma or a tumour. Thyroid problem and hydrocephalus in dogs also lead to such aggression which is why medical intervention of utmost importance.

Aggression is an implication of a behavioural or physical issue which may be stimulated by certain situations or activities in the dog’s surroundings. So, make sure you stay vigilant about his behaviour so no one gets hurt because of your dog.

Reinforce good habits from a very young age and provide all the needful to keep him fit.

Illness can have a toll on a dog’s mind too, thus it is very important to focus on that aspect as well. The healthier your dog is the happier and accepting he will remain. Do not skip on prevention program, groom him well and do not ever forget to spend quality time with your dog. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019


In the lives of pet owners there comes a time when they have to go out of the state or country and leave their pet back at home. The reason could be a holiday, a business tour or honeymoon. But while you are planning to go out and away from your beloved fido, there are certain arrangements that need to be considered. If you are leaving your dogs back at home then there are some provisions that you need to make so that your lovely pal stays safe and happy in your absence.

So, just to make it easier for you here are the suggestions on dog-care back home while you are away.

·         Animal proof your home
Take all the possible steps to make your house animal proof before leaving just like how you baby–proof your house to ensure that your baby doesn’t get hurt or ingest any harmful thing.
There are many types of drugs and eatables that may be healthy for us but can be life taking for your pet.
Some of the things that can be poisonous for dogs are-
  1. Xylitol – A sweetener
  2. Advil
  3. Batteries
  4. Chocolate and cocoa
  5. Bread dough
  6. Onions, leeks, garlic and chives
  7. Grapes
  8.  raisins
  9. currants
  10. Macadamia nuts
It is necessary to take care of eatables and internal proofing but at the same time you also should secure your house from outside. Check your fencing and doors properly before leaving to make sure that they don’t require any repair.
Also use pet friendly pesticides in the lawn.

·         Pet-Sitter
Your pet is going to miss you a lot and that is the reason why you would require someone who is very close to you and your pet, because this will help your pet to feel comfortable and safe around him them. Someone from your family or the person who has already met your pet before would qualify for the job.

You can also go for professional pet-sitter but always find a professional pet-sitter through recommendations, so that you can leave your pet with them without any worries.
Give all the required and important information about your pet which will help them to treat your pet in the best way possible.

·         Contact Information
Never forget to give your emergency contact number to your pet sitter and also take the complete contact information of your pet sitter as well. This will help you to keep a track on your pet sitter and pet. It is really important to provide the contact no. of your vet to your pet-sitter which can be very helpful in case of emergencies.

Always meet your pet on a video call if you can, while you are away. This will keep him/her assured that their parents are still there for them.

·         Boarding Can Be An Option For Pet-Sitter
There are many boarding options like kennels and catteries. You just have to choose a council-register facility. These facilities are completely pet friendly and provide high quality services to pets. 

You just need to figure out that, what sort of care takers are there?
 Types and quality of treatments are available if your pet is suffering from any infestations like flea and tick, gastro-intestinal worms or joint pain.
And most importantly what are they going to feed your pet.

·         Stock Up The Health Care Treatments
If you are opting for a pet-sitter and you are going for a long vacation then it is wise to order the necessary health care treatments that you are providing your pet. There are many websites that offer a facility called Auto-order. Auto-order will automatically order the product that you want on a monthly basis for your furry pal on the date that you feed in the system while activating it. Hence, auto-order will keep you away from all the hassles of ordering the same treatment every month by saving your time and money, and, for the pet parents who travel a lot, this facility is a blessing. You can also opt for auto-order facility on Discount Pet Care this facility.

These were some tips from our side. Hope these are helpful for you. Just remember that dogs are like babies and they might not understand the sudden disappearance of yours. This can be very stressful for them

Therefore, they will need some really good care while you are away.
For the love of pets