Friday, December 30, 2016

Animal Dentistry – Do Dogs Suffer from Dental Cavities?

It is a least known fact that dogs may also suffer from dental problems and the worst - cavities. We normally ignore this point, as dogs do not eat anything sugary that can cause cavities or dental issues. However, recently, dog dental vet surgeons have come up with reports that 87% of dogs may suffer from cavities, which goes untreated until the signs of severity is seen. Moreover, this problem is increasing as people are feeding human food and sugary treats – of which all are not healthy or good for dog’s anatomy.

Tooth Cavities
People think that there is no place for dental cavities in dogs. However, cases of cavities in dogs have been increasing as per the vet reports. Early diagnosis can help to save the teeth rather than extracting these teeth. At the earlier stage, cavity starts damaging the tooth enamel and dentin. When left untreated this condition goes further down resulting into pulp inflammation, infection, discoloration and death of the tooth. Such teeth with cavities need to be treated by root canal therapy, on which your vet can provide you the clear picture. When root canal therapy is not sufficient as a treatment, further dental extraction has to be carried out as the ultimate option. Dental cavities can also result into some tooth fracture due to extensive tooth destruction. Slowly, this problem may lead to facial swellings or dental tract formation.

Early lesions are diagnosed by vets on observing and investigating the discolored areas of the teeth. Enamel tends to become soft and the lesions progress into dentin. This ultimately leads to severe dental issue.

Treatment for Cavities in Dogs
First stage tooth decay is detected with the help of explorer probe. Your vet will perform various tests – including dental radiographs before extracting or treating teeth. In case the problem is not severe, vet may opt for root canal therapy and then go along with restoration.

Various lesions may be treated and restored with “cavity preparation” method, which may be carried out with the placement of amalgam or composite restorations. Moreover, a few more visits to your vet can totally cure this dental issue.

Just an extra care can keep your furry pooch from getting cavities. Watch their diet, provide plenty of water, give dental treats to strengthen teeth and gums, and maintain regular dental regime of brushing at home. It is also crucial to take your pet to vet’s office once in a quarter for dental checkup. 

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dazzling Ways To Get Along, Your Dog And Holiday Guests

When we know that guest are arriving to spend their holidays, we all get excited and start preparing for ourselves and the needs for the guest. But, don't forget your pet, you need to prepare him too. It can be joyful, but also stressful to your pet's. So with some advance planning and by training, you can make things more fun for your furry pal and less stressful for you. Here are some of the things, you need to keep in your mind to help enjoy the holidays along with your pet's too.

·         Dogs can get very sensitive with the changes in their routine and environments. When family members take time off from work and school, house guests come to stay, or other visitors roll through the home in droves, you need to try to preserve a few of your dog's routines, such as regular meal schedules and walks, exercise or play sessions.

·         Take your dog for a walk or let him play for 30 minutes, as this will make him more relaxed and calm, when guests are in  your home. You need to exercise him prior to their arrivals. Don’t allow your dog to greet unfamiliar guests; this just causes more stress for everyone, including your pooch.

·         Teach your furry pal to sit and stay; when the doorbell rings, put him in a sit-stay and do not open the door until he calms down. Practice this beforehand using friends and family members. Consider putting your dog on a leash, as visitors arrive, so that you can keep better control of him.

·         If there's considerably more activity than usual, plan some quiet times for your dog as well and then let him join you later to enjoy. The added stress and excitement of holiday festivities can increase your dog's thirst too, so make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water to drink.

·         Make sure your dog wears his ID tags at all times and consider having him micro-chipped. In case, he slipped out the door with all the guest coming in and out of your home.

The above ways will surely, help you to enjoy the holidays with your guests and as well as with your pet's too.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fashionista Tips to Keep Your Dog’s Paws Clean and Healthy

We think only about nails when it comes to our pet’s paw care. However, it is not only about trimming nails but beyond that. A total paw care includes looking after the pads, trimming the hair in between the pads and cleaning and trimming the nails. Just wiping the paws is not all enough. Paws soak up all types of things, whether dirt, grime or ticks, and bring them into your house. And, the worst thing is dogs usually lick their paws and accidently ingest all things – either toxic or allergic.

And, to avoid any complications because of this, paw care is essential. A few paw tips here will help you what to look for and what care you need to take in order to null all the chances of infection and helps you to learn how to inspect the pads for any infection, bugs, dirt, cracks, sores or allergy.

Wiping Paws
Firstly, whenever your dog comes back from outdoors, wipe his paws with plain warm water and some apple cider vinegar. You can even use paw wipes which are specially formulated for doggies. When buying these wipes look for the contents, as some pooches may be allergic to the ingredients. Your vet can even help you in finding the right product according to your dog’s health record. Wipe the paws to remove any dirt or parasites.

Cut the Paw Hair
Most pet parents think whether to cut/trim or not to trim the hair. As per vets, trimmed hair will reduce the chances of accumulating dirt and debris in the foot. Moreover, bringing in less mud from the outside. It also lessens the attachment of bugs and ticks. And, the hair remained intact protects the pads from all the outside elements.

Injured or Cracked Pads
With an injury in the pad, it is crucial to provide treatment without ignoring the wound or injury as this can lead infection, and sometimes even the complications of surgery. In case of cracked pad, it is essential to massage it with paw cream along with applying some soothing massage oil. This will heal the cracks as well as moisturize the pads. Normally, in winters, this type of problem is more compared to hotter months. 

For cold season, you can even bring dog booties, which helps in minimizing dogs’ traction and protects from dirt, and especially from ice salt which is usually used in this season. Mostly use them for walking rather than for running and playing.

Extra Special Care
Millennial pet parents want their furry pals to be more chic and the trend is fast catching up the fire with rest of the pet owners too. Numerous pet fashionista products are available on the market. Starting from sleek dog wear, cat wear to those funny caps and sweaters. Not limited to these, bandanas, hoodies, neck ties to many other fashionable accessories are on sale. Well, when it comes to paw there are thousands of shoes, booties in a wide variety and colors to pick from according to your choice. Moreover, these days, pawdicure polish pens too come in varied colors to make your furry pal paw look beautiful and colorful.

So, why not enjoy a great walk with your furry pal by just taking a little care of their paws. Have you ever tried a polish on your dog’s nail? Share a photo with us. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

6 Time-Tested Rituals to Clean your Dog’s Teeth

As the granny’s saying goes that dogs are not prone to cavities as human beings do, there arises some speculations about how much truth there lies in this saying. Well, when looking with scientific binoculars, it does not stand true in the old good way saying. Though dog mouth seems cleaner, they can develop dental problems like plaque and tartar buildup and gingivitis. However, it is not just bad breath or yellow teeth that cause problem. Like humans, dogs may face numerous other canine dental issues which can lead to dangerous infections sometimes even life-threatening diseases related to heart, liver or kidney.

So, to avoid the outbreaks of dental issues, let us look at some of the best dental practices for your dog’s dental life.

Start at the early age!
When starting brushing at early age, grown dogs get easily accustomed to teeth cleaning. However, this can only be possible when you start working with your dog as a puppy and it also makes easier for you. Using finger brush or dog toothbrush like petosan or dentipet toothbrushes is quite helpful in starting the brushing ritual.

Pick the right tooth paste for your dog!
Quite crucial for daily brushing. People make mistake of using human toothpaste for dogs. Normally, human toothpaste contains fluoride, which is extremely poisonous for dogs. There are various dog toothpastes such as dentipet toothpaste available for dogs. These toothpastes you can find easily on online pet stores.

Importance of dry food over wet food
If your dog is quite fussy about brushing or your dog brushing regime ends into blood, sweat or tears, then there are still choices to opt for daily dental care. Kibbles and hard treats make the better option for your dog’s teeth compared to soft food. Wet or soft food is more likely to stick to the gums and teeth leading to the decay. So, kibbles designed with texture are more likely to help in controlling tartar or plaque buildup. However, you need to take care that these food is not too hard as it may damage teeth or hurt the gums.

Chew bones and chew toys for cleaning teeth
Numerous chewy sticks, bones as well as chew toys are available that are helpful in cleaning teeth. These chew bones and sticks are specially designed to strengthen your dog’s teeth and gums apart from cleaning. However, you need to be careful that the toys or chews you are giving to your pooch is safe for your dog to chew on. On the other hand, hard objects can cause broken teeth.

A good bone can help your dog in number of ways, not only keep the gums and teeth clean but also helps in strengthening them. On the darker side, giving only chews for dental care is not at all preferable and effective and rewarding in the long run. Therefore, the best option is to talk to your vet.

When to visit your vet regarding dental care
While brushing is essential, it’s important that you look into your pooch’s mouth weekly or bi-weekly for any abnormal indications.

If you find any of the below signs you should definitely visit your vet.
Scratching on the face or mouth
Bad breath
Change in eating habits
Misaligned or missing teeth
Excessive drooling
Loose tooth
Red, swollen, painful or bleeding gums
Bumps or growths within the mouth
Yellowish-brown tartar crust along the gum line

How often you need to visit a vet for dental checkup?
Apart from routine dental care, you need to visit your vet for dental checkup. Though your dog has healthy teeth, you need to take him to vet office every once or twice a year. Usually, your vet will examine your dog’s teeth in a normal health checkup, but when they don’t, you need to ask them.

Dental care may be more arduous taking in your time and energy but proper maintenance can save a lot in a long run and can even a life protector. Ignoring oral health can enormously harm your dog’s teeth and gums with a bad buildup. Keeping your dog’s mouth clean is an ultimate gateway to good health.

Do share with us how often do you brush your dog’s teeth.

More info About Dog Dental Care Products:

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Five Mysterious Behavior About Your Cat

Have you notice your cat doing weird things that leaves you scratching your head in total confusion. Yet, these special behaviors like affectionate head-butting, kneading etc make you love them more. But to help you better understand about your elusive feline, here are five cat behaviors that people commonly consider mysterious.

Chatters At Birds:

If you own a cat you might have here a claking sound from cat, when she sees a bird fly by the window. Some behaviorist say's that, kitty makes the sound to bring out the frustration for not going outside and catching the bird. And others say that the rapid-fire movement of the jaw is a Pavlovian instinct allowing kitties to prepare their muscles for the act of killing prey.


When a kitty head butts you, it is one kind of way to show you her affection against you. You can consider it like receiving a high five from your furry little. You can go ahead and head butt your cat, but make sure you don't hit hard, just a slow touch to reciprocate the strange affection.


The kitty tends to push with her front paws like treading or making bread. This behavior takes hold when feline are very young, as kittens knead against mom-cat's breast to stimulate milk flow. When adult cat kneads on your lap, it is declaring love towards you and if the cat is kneading on pillow or blanket they are particularly happy and satisfied.


Cats purr for many reasons. Happy cats will purr and the kitty which is in deep pain will purr internally. Sometimes they purr, as they are waiting something to make them happy.

Chew Plastic And Other Weird Things:

If your cat chew items like plastic, carpet, clothes, wiring, milk jugs, blankets, she might be facing a condition known as pica. Kitty's can develop pica for medical reasons such as gastrointestinal disorders, or it can stem for anxiety. It is the same thing like humans bite their nails or twirl their hair when they are nervous.

Hope, it was fun to know these silly and mysterious behavior of your cat, which made you smile, surprise and love her more.

Find Here Cat Training & Behaviour Products:

Friday, November 18, 2016

How Do Cats Get Worms?

Compared to dogs, cats are more prone to internal parasitic infection. There are numerous intestinal parasites that infect felines, which are commonly called as “worms”. Infection caused due to intestinal worms can cause a variety of health condition with numerous symptoms. Some cats may not show the symptoms in the earlier stage and this brings in a potential threat to health leading to complications. Moreover, some feline parasitic worms are dangerous for human health also.

How do cats get worms?
There are different ways through which felines get infected with worms. Though the medium of transmission varies, the most common source of infection is through the ingestion of the feces of infected cats. Mother cats can even pass on the worms to their new born.

Some of the Major Symptoms of Worm Infection
Cats show different signs of infection according to the type of parasite they are infected with. However, some of the most common clinical symptoms of worm infection include:
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight Loss
  • Coughing
  • Bloody Stool
  • Worms visible in stool
  • Constipation
  • Trouble breathing
  • Bloating or potbellied appearance to abdomen
  • Anemia
How are Worms Treated?
If your pet is infected with worms, proper diagnosis and treatment is necessary. If you find any of the above symptoms prevalent in your tabby, visit your vet for treatment. It is not the best idea to treat your pet yourself when you are not confirmed with the presence of worms. Your pet will be diagnosed by your vet for worm infection. Finding from which worm infection your kitty is suffering, the veterinarian will devise the treatment.

There are certain Cat dewormers that treat only a particular intestinal worm. For example, a deworming product used for tapeworm infection cannot treat roundworms. There are also over-the-counter dewormers that are useful for preventing all types of worms. For example, cat drontal, cazitel are useful in preventing all types of worms. When used regularly, these worming products will protect your cat from any future infestation. 

How to Prevent My Cat from Catching Worms?
  • Make sure your yard is free from feces. Pick poo before your cat tries to play with it.
  • Keep your surroundings, yard, furry pal and house free from flea infestation.
  • Ensure to keep your cat indoors to avoid exposure to infected cats, rodents, fleas and feces.
  • Good hygiene habits need to be practiced. Wear gloves while cleaning feces and yard and changing litter box. It’s crucial to routinely dispose of stool.
  • Ask your vet to prescribe an appropriate cat worm control product or worm management program for your feline friend.
Though worm infection in cats is precarious, a proper treatment and preventive strategy can help fight against this disease and aid in preventing intestinal worm infection in felines.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Overactive Thyroid or Hyperthyroidism – What Care Your Cat’s Need?

35 million or more households in America are home to one or more cats. The felines making their way to the heart of Americans have always been regarded as a family member. Every pet owner ardently works to provide the best care to their feline friend in order to protect them from any harmful diseases. However, there are certain diseases which are out of control. Hypothyroidism is one such disease.

Let us find more about this disease, its symptoms and ways to tackle it.

What is Hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism is caused when thyroid cells are developing at a faster rate than the normal and producing excess thyroid hormone. These hormones play an important role in the maintenance of body’s metabolism. Their crucial role is to increase the natural chemical processes that occur inside all cells. On the contrary, when the thyroid hormones are excessively produced, cellular metabolism functions at an abnormally fast rate leading to the clinical signs of hyperthyroidism.

Certain symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased vocalization
  • Increased water consumption
  • Increased urination
  • Unusual aggression
  • Thickened nails
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Weakness
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty in walking

Please remember that hyperthyroidism is totally different from hypothyroidism. These two need not be confused. Hypothyroidism is less common in cats and it usually happens as a result of overmedication with drugs used to control hyperthyroidism or after radioactive iodine treatment.

When symptoms of hyperthyroidism come fore, pet parents need to seek medical advice from a veterinarian for a complete diagnosis and treatment. However, some cat owners take their feline friends for regular health checkup insist of waiting for the signs to develop.

After diagnosis, based on the report, your vet surgeon treats your cat. The most common method that a veterinarian applies to treat your cat’s hyperthyroidism is surgery along with medication or radioactive iodine. Looking at the medical history of your cat, stage of the disease and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment, your vet will determine the best strategy for the treatment of this disease for your furry pal.

Hyperthyroidism being the most common disease in cats, pet owners can opt for preventives to control this disease. Certain cat supplements are specially formulated for cats that contain phytonutrients (nutrients found in plant foods, such as green foods) and glandular extracts. These supplements promote better immune system function and organ detoxification.

Additionally, cooked meat or fish can be added in the daily diet to supplement the required nutrients. However, care should be taken that the calorie intake does not exceed the standard quote.

As feline hyperthyroidism prevention is not clear, the disease seems to be fatal before the visible symptoms appear. Therefore, cat owners need to take their furry pals on regular health checkups along with providing the additional supplements and rich diet to ensure a long and healthy life for the most loved feline kid.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Top FIVE Highly Used House Items Poisonous for Your Dog

How many of us know that certain things are poisonous for our dogs if they ingest them? We are rarely concerned about this and never try to find what is good and what is harmful for our furry pals. With numerous items in our household, we are not aware that whether it is dangerous for our pooch or not. Therefore, it is necessary that we should know which things are safe for our pets and which items we need keep away from our lovable companions.

Check on the most Used Items in the house that are the most harmful for your four-pawed pals.

It’s a fact that chocolates are toxic for dogs. Chocolates contain the chemical called Theobromine, very similar to make-up to caffeine which can be quite dangerous when ingested by dogs. This chemical can affect kidneys, heart, central nervous system and intestines.

Negative Reactions:
Intake of chocolates develop vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, hyperactivity and seizures.

Raisins and Grapes
Though fruits and vegetables are healthy for your dog, raisins and grapes are the exceptions. These are highly poisonous for your dog and create complications sometimes even leading to hospitalization.

Negative Reactions
The toxicity causes diarrhea, vomiting and can even develop acute kidney failure within 48 hours if not treated immediately.

Household Cleaners/ Garden Fertilizers
If you have a lawn, you cannot do without lawn fertilizer and this is one of the enemies of your dog health. Check on your pooch, whenever you are putting fertilizer in the lawn. As the toxicity affects your dog and takes toil on his health.

Negative Reactions
The side effects fore up as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal posture due to pain, muddy colored gums and difficulty in breathing.

Normally, people give milk to their dogs thinking it is as healthier to them as it for humans. However, the fact is totally different. Dogs do not have significant amount of the enzyme lactase that breaks down lactose in milk, and therefore, feeding your dog milk or milk based products is quite dangerous.

Negative reactions
Feeding milk to your dog can cause diarrhea and upset their digestive system. It can even lead to gastrointestinal problems.

In avocado, a substance called Persin is present, which is quite dangerous for your dog. Intake of any part of the avocado – leaf, bark, seed or fruit can cause serious reaction. 

Negative Reaction

Apart from causing vomiting and diarrhea, Avocado can cause the development of congestion, difficulty in breathing and fluid accumulation around the heart, which can be fatal. 

Read More About Dog Supplies

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Basic Things To Keep Your Dog Safe This Fall

The fall season is starting, the leaves are changing its color and the temperature is starting to drop. All of us, put out the jackets and warm clothes to wear. But have you made the things ready for your dog this fall? If not, you need to be ready with these five things to ensure that your dog is safe, happy and healthy in this pumpkin-spice season.


In the cold season pet use more energy to keep themselves warm. You may need to increase their food portion during fall and winter to keep them up with full energy. You can even go to the vet to get a diet chart for winter and fall season.


It is essential that you keep the water bowls full in the fall season too, as the temperature may drop lower and lower and the water may freeze out. So make sure to check the water bowl more frequently.


If you have a wood or tile floors, then don't let your dog sleep on it, as he may get sick. Bring the dog blanket and make a warm place for him to rest. Ensure that you wash the bedding's with warm water once a week.


All think that shedding is the problem in a spring season, but there are some dogs who shed their summer coats for the preparation for their winter coat. Make a note to brush your dog on daily basis or weekly as needed.


Protect your dog from fleas and ticks as the season can last into late fall. So, give the year-round protection not only in summer. There are many flea and tick preventive such as Frontline Plus, Advantage or Revolution dog.

Whether you spend fall outdoors or in, do take care of your furry companions, by considering the above points. Have a great fun this seasonal with your best friend.

Monday, October 10, 2016

A Brief Guide on Puppy Proofing Your Home

Seeing those fluffy bodies running around the house, may be a great pleasure to your eyes, but have you ever thought how important it is to protect them from the house hazards which can put them into danger. Puppies are loaded with bundle of energy and possess natural curiosity and love to explore and overturn every rock. This is what you mostly love to see and brings a lot of fun, but it can as well pose danger.
It’s crucial that before you bring in a puppy, survey your home for puppy proofing making your home safe for the new toddler. Below is the list of puppy proofing tips that can help you keep your puppy out of danger of any unwanted situation.

Puppy Proofing Indoor Environment
Before your puppy arrives, ensure that all the medications are safe and kept inaccessible to your puppy. Even keep away those puppy supplements out of reach. Vitamin and mineral pills as well as other pills should be kept away from kitchen table. A dedicated chewer can do a lot of work to chew out from the plastic container. Puppies are quite quick at dragging away things from table tops and lower surfaces. Therefore, stocking them away is important.

Bathroom Safety
Keep bathroom trash cans at higher lever where your puppy cannot reach them. Keep away the sanitary supplies in a locked cupboard and discard away those used razors properly in trash bins. These are the two grave hazards in here.
Full bathtubs, sinks or toilets with open lids can be a drowning danger. Do not install automatic toiler cleaners if you cannot stop your puppy from drinking out of toilet.

Cleaning Supplies
We use a lot of detergents, cleaning materials to keep our home clean and pest free. But, these cleaning supplies pose great danger to the health of your pet. Keep away these materials inaccessible and locked away with childproof latches to secure in lower cupboards securely. Also, remember to keep away your puppy from the area when you are using liquid or spray cleaners. The toxic material can go into the eyes and can even cause harm to lungs and heart.

Electrical Supplies
Loose electrical wires can cause strangulation to puppies. Moreover, puppies chew on these wires which pose a great danger to them. This can even cause electrical shock or death by electrocution. So keep away those electrical wires out of reach and securely fitted in plastic covers. Run cords through purchased spiral cable wrap, cord concealers, or even PVC pipe to keep them safe from your puppy.

Puppy Proofing Outdoor Environment
Puppy Fencing
When outside, do not leave your puppy unsupervised. Due to their natural instinct, they tend to wander here and there. Thus, to keep them under cover, build a fence that your puppy cannot jump or get an outdoor kennel.

Outdoor Plants
There are some outdoor plants and trees that are toxic for dogs. Some of the common ones include morning glory, foxglove, lily of the valley, and oak (buds and acorns). Many bulb plants such as daffodils are also poisonous. To prevent any incident of toxification due to ingestion of any of these plants, it is better to avoid planting such plants. And, if you wish to have them, then secure that part of the yard with fencing.

Lawn fertilizers, insecticides, weedicides, rat poison, antifreeze and yard sprays as well as other gardening supplies should be kept away securely. These are highly toxic and when ingested accidently by your puppy can even lead to unwanted conditions. Moreover, when you have sprayed fertilizers in the lawn, ensure to keep your puppy indoors at least for 24 hours.

Auto Supplies
Garage equipment, gasoline, oil, paint, shovel and other auto materials need to be placed into secure containers and out of reach of puppy. Be especially careful with sharp materials as your puppy may get a cut accidently. Also ensure to secure electrical inverter in case you have it positioned in your garage or backyard.

Water Bodies
If you have a pool, pond and hot tubs in the garden, ensure that they should be covered properly or fenced off.

Apart from these indoor and outdoor things, look around the house to check on the possibility of any hazard to your pet.

Read More About Pet Supplies:

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Amazing Gadgets To Improve The Dog's Lifestyle

Are you a pet owner, who have to live your pet at home all alone when you off to work. Not to worry as there lots of things coming up that are gadgets and gizmos, which has made the lives a bit easier for pet owners. Our pets count on us to take care of them. Now you can do it in the easy way as there are all types of crazy pet gadgets gracing the market. Let's take a look on gadgets, which help to make your pet's and your life easy happy.

Hands-free fetch:

Dogs love three things that are attention, exercise and toys. A new gadget has been launched that is hands-free fetch. It is gadget where your pooch will get all three in one. You have to put the favorite ball of your dog into the machine and it will automatically throw the ball so that your dog can chase and get it back to do it again.

Litter tray with self-cleaning:

We all love our pets but when it comes to cleaning up their doo-dah it is the worst part for any one of us. Well, now no more you have to clean your pet's litter tray again as a new gadget is here. This widget is known as a self-cleaning litter tray. This is much like a human toilet. This gizmo can be simply hooked up to the water supply and flushed after your pet has done its business. It is really useful for them who have more than one pet at home.

Travel harness:

Do you travel a lot with your dog in the car? If yes, then there is a perfect accessory available for your dog. This widget is known as travel harness which can be used as the extra safety for your dogs. It is the best accompanying item if you spend the most time on the road with your dog.

Pet cube:

You can keep your pet company even when you are not at home. The Pet cube gizmo is very interesting and this device will let you be in the company when you’re away from your pet. You can interact with your pooch and even play the games with him using a laser point. When you are out you can get connected with this device pet cube remotely from a Smartphone. This lets you check out your pet through the Pet cube camera, it allows you to give your pet some encouraging words, or discipline them for getting into the trash.

Dog Cooling Bed:

In the summer season, this cooling bed will be very useful for your pet. Your pets will be definitely thanking you all summer long. The dogs can easily overheat, even though there are quick to breathe when they start to get hot. It's really important to keep them cool during hot season of the year. This bed may be very helpful for them as it diffuses heat when they lay on top of it.

Hope the above list of gadgets is quite helpful for you and your pet. These gadgets may be beneficial to improve the dog's lifestyle and give them a good taste of doggies’ life.

Read & Buy Dog Accessories From Here:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

When And Why Supplements Should Be Given To My Dog

Using supplements is common in people. In pets the Dietary supplements are really not necessary to give each of them. It actually depends on what you want to give and why. The nutritional dietary supplements include minerals, vitamins, herbs, botanicals, enzymes, fiber, amino acids, probiotic and fatty acids. They can be given to dogs in the form of tablets, powders, liquid or capsules. But, you should always know when it is needed to give your pet the dietary supplements. Read the blog for more information as when to give pet the dietary supplement.

Generally speaking, if your pet is eating a healthy, complete and balanced diet then the pet may not need vitamin or mineral supplement. If you are feeding your pet with food which is formulated, manufactured, and packaged by a reputable company then that’s good. As the packaged pet food contains the daily allowance of vitamins, minerals, fiber and amino acids in one convenient package. In this way your pet is getting 100% nutritional food, so there is no requirement to give him supplements. If you’re providing the pack food and all the supplements, it could actually unbalance their diet and do more harm than good.

Dogs which are fed on the homemade food may lack certain essential nutrients. They may be not getting a proper balanced diet in the homemade food. In this situation, dogs may need to take the dietary supplements. Supplements may be prescribed by the veterinarians to compliment the diet and maintain optimal health.

There are lots of supplements in the market for pet who suffer from different types of problems such as: Natural Animal Solutions OrganicSeaweed - this is a high nutritional supplement promotes helps recover from injuries faster. Enriched with varied nutrients, the formula revitalizes skin and enhances coat health. This seaweed product improves appetite and cleanses digestive tract. The multi-vitamin formulation helps keep optimal health of animals.

For More info About Dog Food See here:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Very Rare 3 Exceptional Qualities of Dogs

Dog owners have a special place in their hearts for their furry pals. They are a part of your big fat family enriching the souls in such a way that you adore them. Yes, it is true that your doggy is your true friend, because he is always there with you during your ups and lows in life. The other great facet of this friendship can be evaluated from the fact that they can remain as a silent spectator, while you disclose them your deepest feelings without any sense of insecurity.

Truth be told, it is very difficult to find such a genuine companion in today's world. This special relationship can further expand when we disclose some exceptional qualities of these pets which will make you adore them even more. So, let us look at some of the special talents that these naturally gifted beings have:

Sense Of Smell

It is possible for dogs to smell close to 10,000 to 100,000 times better than the average human. They have 300 million olfactory receptors in comparison to six million in humans. In addition to this, a part of dogs' brain has been specifically designated to smell 40 times larger than humans. A dog's nose functions differently than human beings. While people breathe in and out the same way, dogs breathe in through their nostrils and breathe out through the slits found on the sides of the nose. This system assists them to smell the surroundings. There are certain dog breeds like bloodhound that have an additional advantage of floppy ears that push up new smells.

Dogs Have A Preferred Paw

Just like human beings, dogs have a preferred paw. There are equal chances of your pup being a lefty or righty. The best way to find it out is by conducting several tests. Look out for the signs like: the paw your furry pal utilises to shake, scrape at the door, or pull toys out from under the couch. You can find out about the dominant paw through close scrutinization.

There are different reasons for dogs to lick people. Puppies lick their mothers or owners to show a sign of affection or when they are looking for food. In adults, licking is more considered to be an act of submission to an authority figure. So, the next time you see your furry pal licking you, it is probably because they are craving for your attention or food. Doggy kisses are a great way to relieve stress and calm the nerves.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How To Treat Common Dog Illnesses And Ailments?

All dogs are different from each other, especially when it comes to their health. Dogs' health problem depends on the size of a pup, for example: big dogs tend to deal with joint problems whereas smaller dogs tend to suffer more with organ and breathing disorders. To keep your furry pal happy and healthy, you need to find out what common illnesses and ailments can affect your pet.

See below for the most common types of illness and ailments in dogs:

Common Dog Illnesses:

Kennel Cough

What To Look For?

Kennel cough is a respiratory infection, which can be easily transmitted when a dog interacts with another one. You can look for the symptoms such as: lethargy, coughing, loss of appetite, leaky nose and eyes. If your dog is suffering from kennel cough these are the common signs he will suffer from.

How To Treat?

There are vaccines which can be given to your dog to prevent some types of kennel cough. If you find your dog has got kennel cough you should take him to your vet, where he will prescribe the treatment to speed up the recovery process. This time you should allow your pet to rest a lot and don't allow him to interact with other dogs as this illness can spread easily and rapidly.

Dog Obesity

What To Look for?

The signs of dogs with obesity are excess body fat, no or little visible waistline, no palpable ribcage, lethargy, difficulty in breathing, inability to exercise and weight gain. It is essential to check the weight of your dog regularly and keep the records of your pooch's weight over time.

How To Treat?

You will need to do two things - that is maintain a steady diet and make him to do exercise regularly. If you find your dog is gaining more weight, be sure to give him a proper diet, change his nutritional needs and exercise. Remember, reduction in food or too much exercise can cause other health issues. There are branded food products in the market which are specially designed for the dogs with obesity like Royal Canin Canine Obesity Management Food. You may need to take the advice from your vet before making any drastic changes in the diet.

Common Dog Ailments


What To Look For?

This is the most common health problem and can affect your dog as he enters into his golden years. You will be able to know that your furry pal is suffering from arthritis if you notice these signs like reluctance to rise and move, not interested in physical activities as before, lethargy, weight gain, depression, swollen joints, licking the joint areas, appetite loss, aggression when joints are touched.

How To treat?

Unfortunately, there is no option of curing arthritis, but the good news is that your pet can lead a pain free life successfully. There are joint care products for your pets such as Joint Guard it a health supplement that aids to repair joint cartilage and reduce the joint pain. This product is also available in flavoured chews for dogs.


What To Look For?

Dog can get allergies from many things like food or from flea and tick bites. Mostly the dogs get allergies due to pests. If you find your dog is excessively scratching, licking, biting himself, hair loss, scabs and hot spots, it is a sign that your dog is affected by fleas and ticks.

How To Treat?

You need to determine what the allergen is. If your pooch has got food allergy, you can change his food by taking the advice of your vet. Or if your dog is allergic to fleas and ticks you can treat him by giving the preventative treatments like Frontline Plus, Advantage, Advantix and Capstar. These treatments kill and eliminate the fleas and ticks and also help to treat and control flea allergy dermatitis.

Hope, the above information will help you, if your pet is suffering from such illnesses and ailments.