Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Cat Scratch Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Are you aware of the fact that cat scratch disease is caused by bacteria in the flea faeces? It is extremely pathetic to imagine, but it is absolutely true. It can even be transmitted to humans through a scratch or by a bite of an infected kitty.

So, the question is how do cats acquire Cat Scratch Disease? The chief culprit that spreads this disease are fleas that carry Bartonella henselae bacteria that happens to be the most prevalent bacteria associated with Cat Scratch Disease. When a kitty acquires fleas, these pesky parasites leave flea dirt on the cat. When the feline scratches or chews herself, the flea dirt gets under her claws. Then the feline can transmit this disease to humans through bites or scratching. This is done usually while playing.

It has been researched and estimated that approximately 40% of all cats carry bacteria associated with Cat Scratch Disease sometime in their life. The problem is that the cats that carry the bacteria never show the symptoms of the disease. On top of this, there is no single test that can aid in diagnosing the Cat Scratch Disease in felines. Hence, a clear diagnosis is required only in cases where the cat seems to be seriously ill. Antibiotics can be given to the feline to treat Cat Scratch Disease but it is not entirely effective. 

Let us now look at some of the symptoms of Cat Scratch Disease in humans:

·         Fever
·         Headache
·         Joint pain
·         Lethargy/fatigue
·         Loss of weight
·         Skin irritations and/or bumps

The diagnosis of Cat Scratch Disease in human beings is done by evaluating the symptoms and finding the most recent contact with the cat or kitten. In case of a doubt, a blood test needs to be conducted to look for the reaction to the infection by the immune system of the human being. It usually takes first two months for the reaction to show up after an infection. In certain cases, a sample from a lymph node may be observed under a microscope to aid the diagnosis.

It has generally been observed that Cat Scratch Disease gets treated on its own since it is rarely serious. If you have been infected with Cat Scratch Disease, it is unlikely to happen again. Let us now look at the treatment of Cat Scratch Disease:

In most of the cases, skin signs vanish within three weeks and lymph node swelling vanishes within four months. The doctor might recommend acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain, fever or headache. If there is pain in any body part, apply heat compresses on the affected area. If the lymph node becomes large, painful or badly infected, a procedure needs to be conducted to drain the node or get rid of it.

If you have been bitten by a cat, there is a high risk of infection with other bacteria which would require antibiotics or tetanus booster. If you see any of the signs mentioned in this write-up after contact with a feline, rush to your doctor. Do take proper care and everything will be alright!!!

Read more other pet health care blog: http://www.discountpetcare.com.au/blog/

Thursday, April 20, 2017

4 Treats that Aid in Healthy Well-being of your Dog

Your doggy deserves the best kinds of treats, that are actually good for their healthy well-being. There are various dog treats that serve this purpose. They keep your pup happy, healthy and even extend their overall lifespan. Natural foods are considered to be one of the best treats for dogs. All dog owners should incorporate natural foods in the pup's diet, as they are extremely healthy for the furry pal.

Let us now look at some of the treats that are good for the health of your pooch:

Natural Foods

Most human foods are considered to be a fantastic treat for dogs. It has been found that fruits and veggies are a great treat for dogs with lots of health benefits. Even the skin of the fish is considered to be good for tykes. There are certain human foods that are rich in fiber, and fiber rich food makes awesome treats for dogs. Fiber aids during diarrhea, constipation and overweight issues.

Vegetables like carrots, green beans, peas and pumpkins are great treats for doggies, which can be served in raw or cooked form. While serving human food to the pup, ensure that it is nonhazardous for him to eat. There are certain human foods that are poisonous for dogs. But majority of human foods are better for dogs than processed dog food and treats.

Frozen Yogurt Cubes

Yogurt contains lots of Probiotics that can enhance digestion, and aid in combating against disease faced by your tyke. Just fill in a cube tray with yogurt, and put it in a freezer, developing flourishing little frozen yogurt treats for your dog on hot sunny days.

K-9 Glucosamine Chews

If your veterinarian has recommended a daily Glucosamine regimen for your fur baby, don't administer a pill down his throat. Instead, find a delicious Glucosamine chew with a flavor liked by your dog and make it a fun time for your pup to take these chews. Ensure that the furry companion looks forward to taking the Glucosamine chews. By avoiding calories and serving dog treats you can ensure that your  furry pal's health is improved, thereby aiding him to lead a happy and longer life.

Dental Chews 

Dental chews aid in encouraging your pup's natural chewing instinct that aids in supporting healthy teeth and gums, thereby reducing tartar. This is extremely critical, because it has been observed that tartar causes tooth decay, that can ultimately result in infections throughout the body of the pet affecting his kidney and heart. To avoid this predicament, serve your pup dental chews that keep him healthy and happy for a very long time.

So, which of these treats are you planning to give to your fur baby today?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

5 Great Tips for Selecting Healthy Treat for your Kitty

It is a well-known fact known to cat lovers that kitties love treats. Irrespective of whether you are handling them as a way to display affection or using them as a training aid, your fur baby will always look forward to a tasty treat. But never give too many treats to your feline as it can cause various health problems in them. Therefore, always give these treats in the form of rewards only. The quantity of treats that you should give your feline friend is contingent on your pet's level of age, size and activity. Before you incorporate treats as a part of your kitty's diet, consult with your veterinarian.

Let us now look at some of the great tips for selecting healthy treats for your kitty:

Size Matters

A solitary treat easily consists of 25% of a small cat's day-to-day calorie allotment. Hence, it is easy to imagine that too many treats can easily spoil your kitty's diet. It has generally been recommended that treats should make just about 10% of a cat's daily calorie intake. If you are not sure about the calorie requirements of your feline to maintain healthy weight, consult with your veterinarian and then select top-quality treat for your fur baby.

Quality Is The Key

While contemplating on purchasing cat treats, always scrutinise the ingredients list. You need to keep a watch on the treats consisting of whole foods along with ingredients that you recognise and pronounce. Generally, it has been observed that the fewer the ingredients, the better is the treat. Treats that have been developed from whole food sources with less sugar are likely to be more nutritious.

Follow The 90/10 Rule

There is a rule for dietary guideline of pets, wherein you eat healthy foods 90% of the time and permit a buffer with the other 10%. The same thing needs to be followed with your pet's treats. Look for high-calorie, low-nutrient diet that can enhance the overall health of your pet. Make it a habit to procure nutritious, wholesome treats for your pet, just as you would do it for your kids.

Look At the Portion Size Of The Treat

A treat that has been marketed or packaged as a single serving does not necessarily mean that it is healthy to give the entire portion to the kitty. You can give small treats for everyday use and can even get these treats for smaller pets. You can reserve the large treats like biscuits for particular occasions or broken into tiny pieces to be given to the pet in the entire day's time. Since, your feline would be more engaged in the act of receiving the treat, she would not observe whether the portion is smaller than usual.

Look For Treats That Provide Additional Health Benefits             

While selecting a treat, it is important to look for those that provide added health benefits to your fur baby. This includes those treats that consist of Glucosamine for supporting the joints or enzymes for assisting with tartar control. By selecting a treat that provides an extra punch, you can not only reward your kitty, but also boost her overall health at the same time. But never ever think that your pet can eat more of these functional treats. You need to give these treats on occasional basis.

If your fur baby is suffering from an ailing condition or is on a prescription diet, there are certain treats that can be harmful for her health. Hence, if you are in doubt, consult with your veterinarian before including any new treats into the feline's diet. So, how do you plan to select healthy treat for your kitty?

Read More info aboutFeline Greenies Ocean Fish Cat Treats

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pet Guide for the Season of Fall

Landscape dwelled with beautiful colors, crisp cold air, and warm smell in the air fill the heart with joy and there is nothing to not love about the autumn. As the autumn brings with it joyful festive, delicious savory food and marvelous scenarios, there is something hidden that can create a lot of health issues in pets.

As pet parents, it is always important to be well acquainted with all these lurking dangers and pet health hazards in order to keep your furry pals safe and healthy in the season of autumn.

Healthy pets always love to move around to smell in that crisp air and enjoy the cooler temperatures. Unveil some of the tips to keep your pet fit and at the optimal health during the coming fall.

Making pumpkin the part of their diet
Apart from the fact that the dogs love pumpkins, these gourds are usually nutritious and low in fat. Moreover, a pure pumpkin – not the pumpkin pie, is normally a good source of fiber and is often recommended as a dietary addition for a dog having constipation issues. So move ahead, and let your furry pal have the food with a little addition of pumpkin.

Ensure dog walks as days are shorter and cooler
It happens that as the crisp cold air takes the charge, normally pet parents avoid taking dogs on walks. But rather the cool temperatures are welcome for your furry pal. Additionally, it gets darker earlier and most pet parents tend to take the doggy for a walk in the dark. During such times, get protective reflective gears on your dog or a collar that reflects in the dark. Online as well as local stores carry light up collars and leashes, which help you and fur pal to be safe in the dark.

Off the danger with choking hazards and the debris
Autumn means trees shedding lots of leaves, there in fact a pile of debris everywhere. The fallen leaves colors are really attractive for your pet luring them to play with it. Though they are safe, there are twigs, pine needles, sharp sticks and pine cones, which are highly dangerous when ingested causing choking or damaging internal organs. Other harvest plants of the season can cause allergy or harm the dogs. Keep your furry pal away from debris and other choking hazards.

Beware that flea and tick season is not yet over
Flea life cycle is strange as they start breeding during the spring and are at peak numbers in the fall. To protect your dog from fleas and avoid heavy flea population in your house, flea prevention is a must. Look for the different signs of flea existence, like scratching in dogs and flea dirt on their body. Start with the flea and tick treatment and control flea and tick infestation. Ensure to provide flea and tick protection to other pets too in your house.

Protect pets from seasonal allergies
Just like humans, pets may be kicked off with seasonal allergies. Ragweed and mold are most common during the fall. Though skin allergies are most common in dogs during the season, they may face occasional sneezing, snorting or loud snoring, and runny noses. Finding that your pet is suffering with allergy, talk to your vet for the same. For skin inflammation and scratching, get skin and coat supplements as these products effectively lowers the effect of skin allergies. 

Every season comes with its own bundle of joys and health issues for pets. Learning about how to keep your pet healthy in each season is of utmost importance. Proper care, healthy food and required treatments ensure good health of your furry pal in any season.