Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Myths about Pet Diets Busted

Cats and dogs have evolved to a great extent and so has their diets. They need a balanced diet but pet parents often get confused as to which one would be the most nutritious and balanced amongst all. In this dilemma, they often overfeed their pets.
Well, a lot has been written and spoken about what you must or mustn’t feed your pets. There are also many myths associated with raw diets or several other diets that are given to pets. So, here is a list of some myths which must be busted with real facts so you can help your pet lead a healthy life.

Adding organ meats make the diet balanced
Organ meats and offals are not very different. They have the same nutrients but the only difference is they have different concentration.
Offal is good and must be included as a major portion in the diet
Some nutrients in offal are in high concentration and can cause complications. For instance, thyroid hormone in the trachea is in excess. Likewise, the liver also has vitamin A in high amounts. Thus, offal must constitute only 10% of the regular diet.
Cats must be fed raw heart muscles to fulfill taurine requirements in the body
Taurine is found abundantly in all kinds of muscles and other tissues. Raw heart muscles are nothing special.
Cooking destroys the proteins and nutrients which are intact in the raw diet
It depends on the manufacturer’s method of preparing the diet that ensures whether the nutrients will stay or will be leached away. Otherwise, cooking normal raw meat doesn’t flush out the nutrients.
Dog should be fed one type of protein
Different proteins contain different vitamins and minerals and thus limiting to one type of protein can cause nutritional deficiencies in pets.
Diets with high protein are hard on pet’s kidneys
Diets with high plant proteins are hard on the pet’s organs and not the proteins received from animal meat. Poor quality foods are usually packed with high soy or corn content that causes digestive problems in pets. However, premium quality food items from renowned brands don’t pose such threats.
Dry food is necessary for cleaning teeth
Pet teeth are designed to tear, shred and grind meat or wet food. Dry foods, on the other hand, are swallowed most of the times. Moreover, when dry foods are chewed, they produce more starch that can stick to the teeth. 

Hope your facts are finally clear! Myths can do more harm than good thus, it is necessary that we spread real information. Having proper knowledge of what you can feed your to pets and what you must not overdo can help your pet lead a healthy and disease-free life.

So, make sure you are very cautious when feeding any diet or switching to a new one. Always consult your vet. Well, if you do want to buy some good brands online, we would recommend you to go with products like Hill’s science diet or Royal Canin diets. However, making a homecooked meal for your pet is never outdated! Whatever you choose, ensure you know the balance of nutrients you are feeding your furry kid.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why Are Dogs Fussy Eaters And How To Stop It?

Wonder why your Fido isn’t eating properly? Huffing and throwing a fit every time you try getting him to eat? Well, you might wanna go back in the past and see what started it all. It’s the pet parents that spoil their pets by giving way too many treats and letting their furry friends eat off of the table. Until you stop the habit of your dog eating table scraps, he’s not going to be interested in the dog food you try to feed him.

Pets are not picky eaters when they’re born but they turn into one as they grow up. Generally, it’s the humans that need to train their dogs or cats. However, if you let your dog eat his favourite food every day and succumb to his petulant behaviour, you are not training him; it’s the other way around. Unless you become strict, your pooch is going to have his way with food. Therefore, your furry pal needs to know who’s in charge of the situation. Hence, for your furry pal’s health, you need to get alert and make an effort to change his eating patterns.

Read below to find out why your Fido is a picky eater –

Ø  If you feed table food to your furry buddy, it’s not a surprise he doesn’t want to eat his actual meal. Dogs have different nutrition requirements than humans so the leftover food you give to your dog not only lacks the nutrients but also instils a habit of taking food from the table.

Ø  When growing up, if you fed a different kind of dog food to check which one he liked best, there’s a chance that your buddy thinks that if he doesn’t eat the given food, something better will come along. When you’re trying out different dog foods, it makes the dog think that he will get new kind of tasty food every day, so he won’t be interested in eating the same food.

Ø  Believe it or not, dogs love cat food. Cat food is very tempting for a dog, so if there’s a cat in your house, ensure the cat eats in a different room.

Ø  Overfeeding treats can also lead to dogs becoming fussy eaters. It’s understandable, actually. If you had a choice of eating your favourite dishes and desserts for every meal, even you wouldn’t want to go back to eating the packed lunches.

Ø  When the pet is anxious or under stress like if someone close to him leaves or there’s an alteration in the daily schedule, he will be reluctant to eat.

How to Encourage Picky Eater Dog to Eat Healthier?

Treats are not only harmful to your dog’s health, but it also promotes obesity. The obesity ratio in dogs has skyrocketed in the last few years and it’s all because of unhealthy and high-calorie food. Thus, here are some tips for dealing with a pet who is a fussy eater.

Limit the Treats

Make your dog understand that the treats are for special occasions only. He won’t be getting treats for all of his meals. Remember, your pooch might act vulnerable and sad, but don’t give in. This will be highly beneficial in the long run, so reduce the number of treats you feed him.

Food’s Not Gonna Wait Whole Day

If, in the past, you used to offer 2-3 type of foods to your pooch, transforming his diet patterns now can be challenging. Thus, if your dog thinks that you’re going to offer him something tastier, he’s going to be disappointed. Whenever you feed him, don’t leave the food for more than 30 minutes. If your pooch is hungry, he’ll eat. After a couple of days, he’ll understand that the food you’re providing is the only meal he’s gonna get and if he doesn’t eat that, it’s going to be taken away.

No More Table Scraps

You strictly need to stop encouraging your furry pal to eat food from your plate. If you don’t stop this, he will think it’s okay to eat out of your dish. Inform other members of your family also to not encourage such behaviour so that the dog doesn’t repeat this mistake again.

Feed Him in A Quiet Room

If the place is loud and noisy, your dog will get distracted and won’t finish his meal. Thus, provide his meals in a room where there aren’t many footfalls so that your pooch can eat peacefully.

Use Food Dispenser Toys

To make mealtime interesting, get the puzzle toys where the dog will have to put some efforts to get the food out. This will make even the simplest food interesting to eat.

Dogs are not fussy eaters by nature; it’s the human behaviour that makes them this way. Initially, dogs used to live in the wild and would eat whatever they could find. They didn’t really have any preference. So, if you want your pooch to eat all kind of dog food, inculcate that habit from the day you bring him to your home.

If your pooch isn’t eating properly, you might want to consider adding dietary supplements to his food so he gets all the required nutrients. A supplement like Bark 
Naturals Vitamin C BoostPowder for Dogs is very beneficial for improving the immune system and providing sufficient vitamin C to dogs.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Natural Remedies For Anxiety And Nervousness In Pets

Have you ever seen your pet react strangely to objects or experiences? A completely normal behaving dog or a cat suddenly exhibiting weird behavioural patterns is an indication of fear or anxiety. Fear and anxiety can be caused due to various reasons. Thus, it is important to eliminate all the reasons one by one, starting from any physical problems, i.e., illness.
Consulting a veterinarian for the diagnosis is the best option. Getting your pet checked for problems like adrenal gland problems, parasites, vitamin deficiencies, chemical imbalance, cancer etc., can filter out the physical problems, if any.
Besides normal anxiety, incessant licking, aggression, pulling out fur, etc. indicates chronic anxiety. So, here are some natural remedies that can help relieve your pet greatly.


The root cause of stress and your pet’s reaction to a remedy will determine the type of remedy that suits him the best. Thus, one will have to try more than one remedy to find out the best suitable one.

Changes in diet can be highly effective to treat anxiety. A diet full of vitamins, healthy fats, antioxidants, etc. can improve the symptoms over a period of time. Feeding whole foods is the best way to administer a diet full of nutrients.

Catnip, German Chamomile, Hops, Passionflower, etc are some herbs & herbal extracts that help calm nervousness. Using these herbs with an extract that contains their combination is the best way to administer the herbs. It should be noted that using natural sedatives shouldn’t become a regular way of life but should be used for temporary relief only.


Essential oils in heavily diluted form can be used to treat anxiety in dogs. The same is not advised for cats. Essential oils can have a toxic effect on the pets and hence one should take utmost care in using the same on pets to avoid its side effects. Following online information on essential oils can prove to be one of the biggest mistakes of your life as a pet parent. So, we highly recommend to thoroughly research the oil you’re using.

The calming essential oils are derived from herbs like Valerian, Vetiver, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, etc., which are seen to have a soothing effect on pets.
    This is one of the preferred modes of remedies used by pet parents owing to its effects and the ways in which it can be administered. These treatments, though being gentle can have an evident effect on fear and anxiety in dogs & cats. It can be administered orally, topically and can even be sprayed. Aspen, Mimulus, Rock Rose, Larch are some of the effective Flower Essences.

CBD is a non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant. It has proven the effects of stress and anxiety relief on dogs and cats. CBD should be administered in determined dosages and thus should only be given under the guidance of a veterinarian. One should always keep in mind that cannabis should never be given to pets. As a pet parent, one should assure that, if present in the house, it should be placed out of reach from your pet.


There are many homeopathic remedies available to treat anxiety, fear or stress in pets, viz., Coffeacruda, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum, etc. It’s advised to use a mixture of the available homeopathic remedies for best results. A pet parent must first use these remedies individually to find a suitable blend for their pet.
     This works by creating constant, gentle pressure on your pet. The pressure creates a calming effect on pets by controlling or reducing any kind of anxiety, fear or hyperactivity. It can be used alone or in combination with other treatments or behavior modification programs.

It’s important for pet parents not to get carried away or be reckless while using these remedies. It’s of prime importance that the compatibility of the remedy with one’s pet is checked first. Moreover, vet consultation and supervision is necessary before trying them.

Points to consider before using any of these remedies:

  • Use extreme caution in using herbs & essential oils on cats as they are extremely sensitive to them. If possible, avoid using them on cats.
  • Essential oils should be used in heavily diluted form as they are very strong and can cause complications in pets.
  • Using herbs on pets can lead to drug problems or problems with any pre-existing conditions. Thus, consult a veterinarian before introducing these to your pets.
  • Always purchase high quality products to ensure purity and thus, success. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Paw Problems That Are Common In Dogs

Paws are one of the most overlooked parts of the dog’s body and encounter sundry health issues and injuries because of the lack of proper care. Since paws pads are majorly responsible for providing balance, traction and maintaining the pace of your dog’s gait, they undergo a lot of wear and tear. 
Thus, when attention and care are not provided, they tend to suffer from miscellaneous issues which directly hamper the mobility of your pet.

Thus, it is important for all pet parents to pay cognizance to paw issues that can emerge in dogs in order to prevent them before they occur. 

6 Paw Issues Caused In Dogs

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections like ringworm and yeast infections are quite common paw problems in dogs. These infections can either be transferred by other animals or can happen due to constant humidity between the paws and nails which allows the already existing yeast or fungus to multiply. So, if your dog is persistently chewing or licking his paws, has swelling and pain in the area, or there is redness and greasy discharge between the skin folds of the paws, he may be suffering from fungal infection.  Yeast infection in dogs can often be a secondary symptom to an allergy hence, pet parents need to be 
watchful of the main reason behind the infections and treat their dogs accordingly.

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections are almost alike. They have the same symptoms as of fungal infections like redness, itching, greasiness between the skin folds, and swelling, etc. Thus, getting your pet examined by the vet is necessary. He is most likely to determine the kind of infection by taking a sample tissue and would suggest the antibiotics or other topical treatments as per the necessity. Well, antibacterial and antifungal shampoos are also effective in relieving the symptoms. However, one must take vet’s advice as he/she would know the intensity of the bacterial or fungal growth in your pet’s paws better and decide the best treatment your dog requires.  

Cracked Paws

Cracked paws can be painful and may lead to bacterial and fungal growth if not treated on time. Hot pavements, dry air, chemicals, increased exposure to rough surfaces and excessive licking can be an array of factors that may give rise to such condition. Thus, make sure you check your dog’s paws regularly and consult the vet for their treatment, if the problem persists.

Parasites like Ticks and Mites

Ticks often lodge themselves secretively in between the dogs’ paws to receive the warmth, and take blood meal simultaneously to help them grow. Dogs who have ticks in their toes often find difficulty walking and it is needless to say, the kind of diseases they bring along are debilitating to dog’s health. Thus, check his paws on a regular basis and if you find a tick hidden beneath the skin folds somewhere, remove it with the tweezers. Also, get your dog examined for any prevailing or recently acquired tick-borne disease.

Mites, on the other hand, can thrive and infect the hair follicles above or near the paws leading to swelling or hair loss. Thus, the examination of paws is necessary if you see such symptoms in your pooch. 


Allergies like canine atopic dermatitis which mainly arise due to allergy to foods, pollens or other environmental factors can be one of the major reasons behind excessive itching in your dog’s paws. However, when dogs lick their paws continuously, the skin can often crack and may further lead to deep bacterial or fungal issues. Thus, it is important to figure out the causative agent of such allergies to prevent the dogs from self-inflicting their paws.

Blisters and Frostbites

Dogs walk barefoot and their paws directly come in contact with the hot pavements in summers and ice-laden paths in winters. So, when a dog walks on those hot surfaces, their paws can suffer from inflammation, redness, burns, and blisters. Similarly, when the surface is icy, they can often get frostbites. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to touch the surface with your hand when you take your dog outdoors. In case, if it is too hot or too chilled, it is better to avoid that route or let him stay at home.

Ingrown nails

It is often observed that dogs who have long nails or ingrown nails face challenge while walking. Their gait changes and leads to excessive pain. Therefore, pet parents should trim their pet nails regularly. In case, there is an ingrown nail which is hard to remove, it must be surgically chopped off.

Paw problems can mar your pet’s health and well-being significantly. Thus, it is necessary that pet parents must not take any of the above conditions lightly. Do regular check-ups and consult your vet if required. Besides, whenever you head out, consider the weather conditions and plan his walks accordingly.

Since dogs cannot convey their debacle to us, it is our responsibility that we pay heed to whatever adversities or situations can harm their paws and overall health. So, in case you have been observing your pet and realizing that he has all the symptoms of poor paw health and his limbs smell stinky, take prompt actions and consult your vet immediately to prevent further damage.