Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5 Springtime Health Precautions for Your Pets

Spring is a marker of new life and hope. It brings with it the landscape full of flowers and sunshine filling the hearts with joy and happiness. And your furry pals are no exceptions to welcome the season. But, with that gamut of happiness, spring has with it some hidden treasures that can be lurking the health concerns of your furry pal. Let’s have a look at some precautions that you should take to protect your pet from diseases during the spring season.

·        Weekend Warrior Syndrome

Your pets won’t have their best physical flexibility after several months of inactivity.
After several months inside, your dog may have gained weight, lost muscle tone and be a little stiff in the joints. You can gradually increase their level of activity but for starters, you should begin with his favorite outdoor activity like a gentle game of fetch or short runs or hikes.

Spring Pet Food Feast

Spring is full of colorful plants and flowers. And during this season your pet tends to eat more junk. They eat flowers, new grass and anything they find attractive. So, keep a tight watch on your pet during the spring season.

·        Toxic Lawn Treatments

With spring setting in, people tend to start working on lawns in order to make their garden bloom with wonderful colors. Adding on those fertilizers, pesticides or weedicides may be good for your plants, however, they are toxic to your pets. After treating your lawn, ensure to keep your pets away from the lawn at least for two days. Try not to use unsafe garden products on your lawn.

·        Ticks

Spring season barges in with fleas and ticks. Keep your pet protected with fleas and ticks especially if it is a flea and tick region. This helps in controlling skin issues along with other flea and tick-related disease. Check for the best flea and tick treatment for your pet and start prevention in order to protect your furry pal from unwanted infestations.

·        Histamine Overload

Dogs and cats can also experience allergies like we humans do. You can see symptoms of allergies like sneezing, licking, chewing and excessive scratching that can occur due to dust, mold or pollen that are considered to be the most common triggers of allergies in pets. You should find appropriate treatment for your pet by consulting your vet if you suspect that he is having an allergic reaction.

Springtime is an enjoyable time of year for many of us. If you suspect your pet has been exposed to any health hazard, do not wait. Immediately contact a veterinarian for professional medical attention. Prevention is always the best medicine. Whenever possible, take proactive steps to help prevent health issues for your pet. Putting your pet on flea and tick treatments and heartworm preventives can help protect your furry pal from some of the most common health hazard of springtime.

Monday, May 14, 2018

How To Ensure Complete Wellness Of Your Pet?

A dog’s life as humans goes through a series of crests and troughs. The most common worries of a dog parent are the fleas and ticks, heartworms and worms. However, the battle does not end here only. It is not only about safeguarding your pet against fleas and ticks, and other illnesses through various preventative products, but also taking care about pet’s diet, grooming program and vet visits.

With the advancement of modern technology and continuous development in the field of animal health care, pet parenting has become easier and hassle free. Now with few random searches on internet, you can grab the best pet care products at affordable prices.

However, not only affordable pet products, the pet care also demand a conventional approach towards management of your pet’s overall wellbeing. This means that along with improving your pet’s health with fine medicines, the mental health of a pet is to be enhanced by spending time with him.

Thus, a complete overall wellness of a pet includes ensuring sound physical + mental health.

This equation of ensuring both physical health+ mental health of a pet can be achieved by paying heed to following details

·         A pet first needs to be protected from his enemies present in his surroundings. This includes external parasites in the form of fleas and ticks, lice, etc. The blood-sucking pests are the most hated enemy of a furry pal. And, the best solution to fight them is the use of flea preventives such as Frontline Plus, Advantage dog, etc.

·         A pet is also vulnerable to internal threats in the form of worms, heartworms, etc. These are the threats, which can be prevented through products such as heartwormers and wormers.

·         After putting your pet under the protection of preventative products, you must ensure your pet’s proper grooming.

·         Grooming your pet not only improves your pet’s physical appearance but also make you aware about any underlying medical condition surfacing in your pet.

·         Proper grooming includes regular bathing of your pet, trimming the unwanted hair and nails, etc.

·         For enhancing pooch’s mental health, the best thing you can do is to spend quality time with your pet by including walking, playing, listening dog music, treats, toys, etc in his life.

·         For taking care of your pet’s diet, consult your vet and stick to the diet plan formulated by your vet considering your pet’s breed and age.

·         Most importantly, visit vet regularly for routine checkups to stay updated on your pet’s health.

·         Lastly, pet parenting is all about knowing your pet’s needs and requirements. Therefore, always pay attention to your pet’s behavior. Notice any uncommon behavior on part of him and consult vet if you feel any troubled waters.

As a pet parent, maintaining and ensuring the health of your pet can be achieved by paying heed to small details as mentioned above and visiting vet at regular intervals to eliminate any signs of pet emergency.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

How To Prevent Canine Distemper In Your Dog?

There are numerous diseases that a dog may face during their lifetime. Among a few dangerous ones, the list also consists of Canine Distemper. You must have heard of this disease. It is highly contagious and carries the potential to pose a serious threat to a dog’s life.  However, it can easily be prevented through vaccinations during his puppyhood.

Canine Distemper- An Introduction

Canine distemper is considered as a viral disease that spreads from one pet to another through exchange of bodily fluids. A puppy or unvaccinated dog if comes in contact with an infected dog then he is most likely to grip by the same disease through ingestion of the infected dog’s fluids in the form of cough, etc.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows

·         Coughing
·         Sneezing
·         Nasal discharge
·         Eye discharge
·         Loss of appetite
·         Fever
·         Lethargy
·         Diarrhea

An unvaccinated dog if showing any of the above symptoms needs to be treated immediately by the vet to lessen the severity of the risk posed by the disease to the pet’s life.

How To Prevent Canine Distemper In Your Dog?

Prevention of Distemper in a dog should be carried out when the dog is in its puppyhood. A puppy when he is between six to eight weeks of age is required to receive his first vaccination followed by routine vaccinations as recommended by the vet. Make sure that your puppy is updated with these vaccinations or distemper shot. These vaccinations are must to prevent this disease from affecting your dog’s life.


Prevention is better than cure is a phrase, which rightly fits in the context of canine distemper. The disease has no cure but prevention in the form of vaccination. Thus, the only way to keep this disease out of your pet’s life is to get him vaccinated through distemper shots and not letting him come in contact, with unvaccinated dogs.