Monday, October 14, 2019

Why A Pet’s Pee Affects Your Lawn and Ways to Fix It

Does your dog pee on your beautiful lawn? Then it is most likely that you would also complain of burnt grass or brown patches in your otherwise green lawn. Well, it is bound to happen because pet’s urine is loaded with nitrogen and has an alkaline pH, both of which are extremely disastrous for grass. Moreover, the chance of finding more prominent patches of burnt grass increases if you have a female dog. Reason being, though male and female dogs have equally high nitrogen concentration and same urine pH, female dogs squat at one spot and relieve themselves, whereas, male dogs pee small amounts in different spots.  Thus, the nitrogen concentration gets distributed in case of males and hence doesn’t affect the grass as much as the nitrogen concentration poured at one spot by the female. But, it is needless to say, if a dog (be it male or female) has an alkaline pH, your grass is definitely going to burn if you don’t know how to fix the issue.

Here are some tips that will help you keep your lawn from getting destroyed by your beloved furry’s pee and save you from disappointment when your friends and relatives visit your lawn.

Tips To Save Your Lawn from Pet Pee

Spill Water On The Urine

It is one of the easiest ways to get rid-off burnt patches in your lawn. When a good amount of water is poured on the spot where the pet has urinated, the concentration of nitrogen gets diluted. This diluted nitrogen concentration is actually helpful for the grass as it acts as a fertilizer.

Do Not Fertilize Your Lawn That Often

As we already mentioned that pet urine acts as a fertilizer because store-bought fertilizer also have nitrogen, so, if you’ll fertilize your lawn frequently even when your pet urinates there, you will probably kill your lawn.

Plant Urine Resistant Grass on Spoiled Spots

There are certain varieties of grass-like Fescue and Ryegrass that don’t get affected as much as Kentucky bluegrass or Bermuda.  Therefore, to save the greenery in your lawn it would be better if you avoid such sensitive varieties and rather opt for the ones that don’t burn that easily.

Potty Train Your Pet To Pee At One Spot

Decide one spot on your lawn where your pet will pee and train him to use that spot for doing his business. Doing so will help you save the rest of your lawn from getting damaged. Though you may have to walk him on a leash for a week or so, he will eventually get used to peeing or even potty at the designated place.

Give Plenty Of Water To Your Dog To Drink

Hydrating your pooch is not just healthy for him but will also dilute the nitrogen in his urine which in turn will keep the grass from getting burnt when the dog pees on it.

Use Soil Cleansers

Soil cleansers are products that help clean the salts deposited by urine inside the roots of the grass. Using these treatments can also prevent damage to the plants.

Dietary Supplements

There are certain enzyme supplements that help acidify the pet’s urine which can be helpful to keep your lawn greener. But, it is recommended to consult your vet before opting for them as they contain some ingredients that may not go well with dogs that have some kind of health troubles.
Follow these tips and hopefully, you will see your lawn lush-green within a month, the way it used to be earlier!