Monday, June 18, 2018

A Guide To Buy Perfect Dog Bed: Way To Good Joints

A mattress that is comfortable, soft and goes with the sleeping pattern of your dog is as important as food and other supplements. A good quality bed provides perfect support to the spine and joints of the dog and releases pressure points. As a result, the dog gets up active and fresh. The better rest his body receives, the longer he stays physically healthy in his lifespan. Moreover, different dogs have different sleeping positions. Therefore, choosing a bed according to the requirement is of utmost importance. An over-padded bed also won’t be of any use as it could cause spinal issues and discomfort in dogs. It doesn’t sink as per the shape of the body. Thus, we must choose a good quality bed that has an ideal sponge and a good support. Avoid cheap mattresses that go lumpy after multiple uses. It will only harm your pet’s joints and spine worsening the situation if your dog is already old or is dealing with joint issues. So, go for a good quality product which is a perfect fit for your dog’s size. How to do that? Read On.

How To Choose A Perfect Dog Bed:

Take The Size Of Your Dog
Your dog’s bed should have enough space so he can stretch or relax comfortably. Therefore, you must first measure your dog’s length before zeroing in on any bed that you think would fit. Grab a measuring tape and take the length from his nose to the tip of his feet. It will give you the perfect size. Else if the dog sleeps curled up then consider the length between his nose and the posterior and while buying the bedding add extra 20 centimeters to it.

A pet with a weight of 0-5 kg may need 90cm*75cm of bed, 5-10 kg dog may require a 60*75cm walled bed or 90*75 cm pillow bed. A medium sized dog that weighs around 10-25 kg must be provided with a walled bed of 70*55 cm size or a pillow bed with 115* 90 cm measurement.

Observe The Sleeping Pattern
Some dogs sleep in a donut pattern where the body is completely curled up and rounded to feel warm and safe.  Round bed or square bed with high side padding is perfect for such dogs.

The Superdog position is when the dog lies on his tummy with the limbs stretched out. A large mattress flatbed with good padding is ideal for such snoozers.
Side sleepers have their body weight on the spinal cord and the legs are stretched out. Therefore, they need a bed that has side padding to support the body and equally good cushion for the pressure points like shoulders and hips in this position.

Check The Material Of The Bed   
You must always choose a pet that is water-resistant and washable. Beddings may have flea eggs or larva that could transform into adults easily as the pet sits on the bed. These parasites must be removed immediately else it may infest the dog making him ill. But you can only do that either by throwing the mattress away or washing it in the machine. And obviously, it is not feasible to change a good quality expensive mattress every month. Therefore, the material must be checked for durability. It should be made of superior quality materials.

Go For A Bed That Is Resistant To Molds And Fungus
Many dogs have the habit of sleeping outdoors. This increases the chances of the bed to get dirty easily and is prone to molds and fungus which is extremely unhealthy for the dog. Thus, in order to safeguard your Fido from getting the infection through the bed, choose a bed which is resistant to fungus and dirt.  

Dogs require perfect sized bedding not just for a comfortable snooze but to support his entire body. It is also a nest from where he gazes you at a distance and defines his own territory to feel safe and protected under the ceilings. So try and buy a high-quality bed that relaxes his tired muscles and joints after a long active day.

If you have a dog that is already dealing with joint issues, try replacing his current bed and start joint supplements to improve his condition. You sure gonna see the change!

Buy Dog Supplements Online:

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