Friday, February 1, 2019

Six Most Common Reasons for Cat Vomiting - #5 is Worth Noting!

Cats may vomit from time to time. However, at times it may be due to upset stomach or if they have ingested any foreign item. But, most probably you don’t know when to worry.
Most cats vomit occasionally, which can be normal. On the other hand, it depends whether your cat is completely healthy or has any illnesses. There are 6 major reasons that clear the fog around the most common health condition – vomiting. Though there may be unexplained aspects that can trigger vomiting in your cat, these are the most common and prevalent causes of cat vomiting.
Let us unveil one by one reason and figure out what you can do to prevent such situation in your kitty’s life. 

Eating too Fast
Like a glutton, sometimes your cat might gulp up those kibbles too fast – may be due to hunger or being envy not to share her food with other members of her breed. She may even think that she is not going to get back the food and just empties that bowls. Too much intake of food by your cat can make her throw out after sometime.
Well to squeeze her down to slow eating, you can use a food bowl with a lump in the centre, which will force her to slow down.
Eating Plants Or Grass
A house well decorated with plants is soothing ambience but at times it can be havoc for your four-legged companion. If you have plants in your house, your cat may get tempted to savour the taste of those leaves, which can make her vomit. So, ensure that you don’t decorate your house with any toxic plants.
You can consider planting a cat grass garden so your feline friend can leave the urge to pluck your household plants.
Stomach Obstructions
Cats love adventure and would like to enjoy chewing on anything that comes their way. Whether it is plastic, paper, cat toys, a foreign object, rubber bands or clothes, any of these objects they would love to just chew on. And, these are literally dangerous for your cat.
If you suspect that your fur ball has accidently ingested any of these items, then the best choice is to immediately visit your vet. Never take a chance to wait and see if your cat can throw up. If stuck in the neck, it can choke your pet leading to severe conditions. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult your vet.
New Food
Sometimes, cat throws up food when they are transferred onto a new food instantly. Some foods are not suitable for your pet. Better check for the ingredients of the cat food before purchasing to ensure that your cat is not allergic to the contents of the food. Premium as well as grain free cat food are always the better option when your cat is dealing with allergic conditions.
Furthermore, whenever you are looking to change your cat’s diet, it is advisable that you gradually switch her to the new diet. Give little portions of the new diet to see whether she is throwing up or not. Once on to this for few days and once she is comfortable, you can go on adding larger portions until you completely switch to a new diet. At max, it will just take seven days for you to help your kitty switch to a new diet.
Worms are yet another common reason for cats to vomit. Usually, heavy worm infestation causes vomiting, diarrhoea, loss in appetite or sudden increase in appetite. If you find evidence of worms in your cat’s vomit or faeces, it is better to consult a vet or start deworming medications. Treatments like Drontal, Milbemax and Popental are highly effective in controlling worm infestation. Furthermore, when you keep your kitty on regular worming program, there are less chances of your cat being infected with the various worms. 
Cats are lovely fur balls fluffy with that hair coat. Though that fur adds grace to your kitty, at times it may be a reason to make your cat vomit. Usually, cats suffer from hairball condition as they ingest hair while grooming. Hair when build up in the stomach causes various conditions including vomiting.
Normally, treatment like Laxapet laxative helps in treating hairball condition. When given regularly, it also aids in controlling hairball condition further preventing vomiting.
Last but not the least, cat vomiting may also be caused due to poisoning or any other serious health condition. Take your kitty to vet immediately if you suspect that your cat has eaten something toxic. Your vet can quickly provide the right treatment and save your furry pal from any dangerous condition.
Cats are like bundle of joy and if anything happens to them, you are the worst hit. Therefore, it is better to take the best care of them and ensure their safety. Not alone let the trivial causes play havoc in your kitty’s life. Better act proactively and ensure that your bundle of joy is full of life all the time.

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