Friday, August 13, 2021

Fun Ways To Spend Lockdown With Your Dog

Our entire lives have turned upside down with this coronavirus outbreak. We’re living in these unprecedented times where staying home is the new normal. No one leaves their house without wearing masks and social distancing has become a part of our lives. Amidst all the chaos, our pets fail to understand why we’re not taking them out for a walk. Why, now all of sudden, their pet parents are always at home. Well, it can be exhausting for pet parents, but you can utilize this time to bond with your pet and indulge in some fun activities.

Fun Ways To Spend Lockdown With Your Dog

So, find below some fun ways you can keep your furry buddy entertained while quarantining!

House Treasure(Treat) Hunt!

Who said quarantine can’t be fun? Well, make this lockdown period fun by organizing a treasure hunt for your pooch! Hide some of his favourite toys and treats and let him sniff it out! It will keep your furry buddy occupied and also provide physical and mental stimulation.

Picnic In The Backyard

If you have a backyard, the best thing to do is utilize that space and have a fun picnic day. Prepare a delicious lunch basket for you and your pet, get some outdoor toys, and head out in your backyard for a fun and memorable day! You can chill out, play games, read to your dog, eat and have great day together! Lastly, don’t forget to take some pictures to share with your friends.

Interactive Toys

We all know how stressful it is to manage office work and household chores. And sometimes, it can get stressful when you have work load and a demanding pet. During these times, you can put interactive toys to good use. There are many puzzle toys available, which requires your dog’s full focus and rewards him with treat upon solving the puzzle. So, this way, you can finish your work without any disturbance and your pet can have a good time as well.

Pamper Your Furry Pal

Even your furry buddy needs a good pampering session in this lockdown. Since you can’t take him to a groomer, prepare a luxurious bath with pet friendly products so your doggo can just relax. Give him a good bath, groom his hair, and cut his nails so he can feel his old self again!

Train The Dog

If you’ve got a new pupper in the house, you’ve got plenty of time to train him. Create a schedule for training your dog and adhere to it. Begin by teaching him basic commands and improve gradually.

We are all having a tough time trying to adjust to this new lifestyle, but we must look at the bright side and tackle this with a positive mindset. Besides, don’t forget to administer flea and tick preventatives to your buddy as it will keep him protected from fleas and keep him in good health.

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